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Posts posted by Stinkpalm

  1. 6 hours ago, bad_teammate said:


    Who are "good cops who will speak up"? Where are they? Are you contending that 99.999% of cops now are "bad cops" because they virtually never stop each other or testify against each other?

    It's insane.

    Please tell me the logistics of how we would "flood the agencies" with "good cops"? We have 800k LEOs right now, and you're contending that virtually all of them are bad because they don't snitch on their fellows, so to FLOOD that 800k we'd need them outnumbered at least 3:1, right? We need to hire 2.4M new cops and EVERY SINGLE ONE has to be willing to snitch their partners out?


    Dude, are you drunk? I’m literally going off of your own words that “it’s structurally impossible to be a good cop when a bad cop is around”.  I’m not brisket. I believe there are still plenty of good cops out there. I’m turning your own belief back on you to understand how you can possibly believe that an outspoken, constitution-abiding person becoming a cop or DA can’t possibly effect any kind of change and that to propose that idea must be a joke. 

    I don’t agree with your statement. So I continue to ask YOU specifically, that if YOU were to become a cop, that by your own words YOU would not speak up when another cop does something wrong? As I said earlier in a post, there are absolutely instances where good cops report bad cops, but those don’t make the news. But your own statement was that it was structurally impossible. Meaning you believe that even if YOU became a cop, you’d tuck your tail between your legs and not speak up. Which apparently is why you think it must be a joke that someone believes that good people signing up to be cops could further the cause for change. 

    and yes, I absolutely would hope that every new hire as a cop is a person who is not afraid to speak up or snitch out a bad cop before they have a chance to beat/murder someone. I’m not seeing how you don’t believe that more of these types of cops in the ranks would be good for society. 

    you’d apparently rather just cry and fuss on the Internet that something needs to change rather than do something useful to actually be a part of the change that you’re wanting. 

    • Hook 'Em 3
  2. 3 hours ago, utee94 said:

    Which JK did you have?  My brother's lifted Willys JKU on 35s is definitely rougher than my stock Rubicon on 33s even though they're M/T, and overall the Rubicon's ride isn't bad at all.  I'd imagine the Sahara is even better though I've never driven one.

    The JLUR I test-drove was absolutely smoother still, though, no doubt about it.  I really liked that Jeep but got a really great deal on the JKUR at 3 year old but only 17K miles on it, and it had clearly never been offroad nor had its doors or top off.  Now, it has done ALL of those things. :)



    It was a 2012 2-door Rubicon. It was certainly a better ride when it was stock, but even after I put the lift and 35s on it, it wasn’t bad at all. Just a small decrease in factory ride, which is to be expected any time you start messing with the geometry. Loved that thing. Didn’t plan on parting with it any time soon (traded it in with only 40,000 miles on it after 8 years) but needed a 4-door with a baby on the way. Really enjoying the gladiator so far, but still miss that manual trans 2-door jk

    • Hook 'Em 1
  3. 1 hour ago, bad_teammate said:


    The truth is that it's structurally impossible to actually be a "good cop" the moment a "bad cop" acts up nearby.


    IS that the truth? How would you know? How many acts by bad cops DO get reported by the good cops that we never hear about? I’d be willing to bet it’s better than “none”. But those don’t make the news. I’m not saying that those bad cops ALWAYS get disciplined or fired when they get reported, but it happens. So maybe it’s just your belief then, that it’s “structurally impossible”

  4. 13 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Because it doesn't work. (article discussing study showing that increased minority police does not correlate to less police violence against blacks)

    And might even make it worse. (study showing an increase in police violence as more minorities are hired into the police)

    Black officers might be MORE likely to arrest non-whites.

    There's a lot more where this stuff came from, but the idea that if we just HIRE *clap* MORE *clap* BLACK *clap* COPS *clap* we will change the nature of policing is ignorant of basically everything involved.

    And on the other hand, without a gun they can't get none
    But don't let it be a black and a white one
    'Cause they'll slam ya down to the street top
    Black police showin' out for the white cop

    You phrased this bold section in an emotionally hysterical fashion, but inside of this is the answer.

    There's nothing magical about it, it's simply group dynamics.

    You're not talking to someone who thinks police are brutal because they are white racists. Police are brutal everywhere that the class and power dynamics driving them demand that they be brutal. Cops in ethnically/racially homogeneous countries will smash skulls on the regular without any need for being racist against the skin over the skulls they are smashing. Ukrainian police have been going buck wild for a while now. American police are racist against blacks, to be sure, but it's just an intensifier in specific situations.

    You don't seriously believe this. If you were to take a step back and think you wouldn't say something this dumb.

    I am not a fan of cops/police, but even I can see the basic reality that many cops join because they want to do good and want to make things better. To believe otherwise is kind of insane, honestly, if you really interrogate it, because you would have to believe that ALL COPS joined specifically with bad intentions. Again... that's insane.

    The truth is that it's structurally impossible to actually be a "good cop" the moment a "bad cop" acts up nearby.

    The demands our unequal society places on police forces them into brutality and the century-old culture of urban American policing is entrenched. Thinking an influx of black rookies would change that culture is like thinking 20 guys with oars are going to change the course of an oil tanker.

    Avoiding engaging in a personalized, emotional debate is the right move for Brisket if the goal is productive discussion.


    Apologies if this discussion is more worthy of a different thread.

    So, because the badge got pinned on you, you would magically fall into the group dynamics then? And just look the other way when bad cops smashed skulls? How is flooding the ranks with good cops who will speak up and not look the other way, not a way to change the group dynamics? 

    and I made no  mention that it has to be “black rookies/cops”.  I’m assuming from your first couple of links that you’re a black man, but I didn’t know that prior (if it is the case). My original post has nothing to do with trying to encourage black people, or any person or color, to become cops. It was encouraging anyone, regardless of race, who believes they could be “one of the good ones” to be “one of the good ones”. Does a handful of good people becoming cops change the cop culture? Absolutely not. Does flooding the agencies with genuinely good people change it? Absolutely. It’s naive to believe that nothing can be done because it’s a system with specific group dynamics so that’s all it’ll ever be. But few will sign up because “it’s a broken system and I’ll get fired for speaking up”, thereby leaving the old guard running things and making up the majority. What changes that? A big influx of genuinely good, well-intentioned people that won’t look the other way, making the old guard the minority in the profession.  But you don’t want to be a part of that change. It’s cool. Just keep bitching about it  while doing nothing to help it.


     Ukraine police? Really? Do they have the exact same issues that we do in the US? No? Then it’s really not relevant. Oh and,  “American Police are racist against blacks, to be sure”... every single one of them? Nice blanket statement. Wow

  5. 4 hours ago, Lurch said:

    Are any of the current model wranglers decent cruisers, or will the ride be rough regardless of configuration?

    Have had a TJ, a JK, and just bought a gladiator (JT). TJ was rough but loved it. JK was a step up in ride, but still not smooth. The JTs and JLs are smooth. The ride is way more car-like than I ever thought a Jeep could ever be without going the IFS route. Even after having put a lift and 35s on the JT, it’s still a pretty pleasant and smooth ride. 

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  6. 2 hours ago, bad_teammate said:

    Joining the police force and joining the DA's office is not a way to accomplish things, are you joking?


    How is it not? Do you believe you could do their job without singling out and harassing/arresting people just because of the color of their skin? Or that you could de-escalate a heated situation without having to shoot them? Is that not the exact type of officer that the current movement is asking for? Or do you feel that as soon as a badge is pinned on your shirt, you magically become a racist with an itchy trigger finger?


    Everybody is asking for less/no bad cops and more good cops, but nobody wants to step up and be one of the good ones. Like BrothaHorn said, be the change. 

    • Like 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Steel Shank said:

    Just curious. What if these ill-behaving collegiate cheerleaders were put behind bars? 

    Wouldn't they be desperate?

    Wouldn't they do anything to get out?

    What if you, a Surly poster, were a prison guard?

    Just curious.

    Meh... minus the surly poster part, I’ve seen that scenario too many times. Now, give them covid and the only antidote is some good lovin’  in a way God never intended... well sir, you have my full attention 

  8. 23 minutes ago, UDontKnow said:

    Not a popular opinion, but the world needs to move towards cremation. It simply does not make sense to continue burials and take up space for those who have died. In fact, there are more environmentally friendly ways to do it:


    This is the link to the YouTube channel for the second video, "Ask a Mortician": https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCi5iiEyLwSLvlqnMi02u5gQ

    Her videos are pretty good, simultaneously educational and entertaining.

    I’ve stressed to my wife many times that I want to be cremated. The cost of embalming, buying a casket and plot, and all other funeral services has gotten out of hand. It cost 20k to bury my father, who had already bought his burial plot long ago (and was not included in the 20k figure). Put my ass in a cardboard box, cremate me, and throw the ashes in a yeti bottle. Who honestly visits a gravesite often enough to make it worth the costs vs visiting a site where ashes were spread for free anyway? Not that I’m in the demographic, but I may have to remind her of that again just in case. 

  9. 3 hours ago, Beau Vine said:

    It should come as no surprise that most of the comments I’ve seen from the “influenza kills more people and the media is driving the frenzy” crowd had been from the aggy folks that I know. There are several that have made it their life’s mission to let everybody know that this is all overblown and anybody worried about catching/carrying this is just being manipulated by the media. It’s been non-stop through Facebook or text groups. I don’t give a shit, aggy. I’m young and in good health.. I know I won’t die or likely even be hospitalized by this. I still don’t want to pass it on to my elderly, compromised parents or in-laws... or any other person that may fit the bill. Even if they have a good chance of survival, the thought of them spending several weeks in icu or on a ventilator is not something I care to think about. They’re so damned caught up on only trying to push the lower than initially advertised, and only for old people death rate narrative. I honestly can’t understand why they’re  on such an unwavering crusade, other than that it’s the current company line they’re being fed over at texags. It’s quite annoying.

    And as said above, and as much as it pains me to agree with anyone on the hell hole that is texags, we are half assing this lockdown. It worked (presumptively) in China because people were afraid to leave their residences for anything... or were more likely, locked in. Here, most of the population is dumb/ignorant and ignore most of the warnings/orders out in place because their way of life is more important that some silly virus. While any amount of people staying home or avoiding interactions will help slow the spread, to truly “flatten the curve”, it takes full buy-in from the nation... or enforcement of temporary orders in the event that people don’t buy in. You can’t have people half-assing it if you’re taking the risk of tanking the economy to halt it. It’s whole-ass or nothing.  And our idiot population is not taking it seriously enough to whole-ass it

    • Like 3
  10. 27 minutes ago, Upgrayedd said:

    He may be correct; however, if you have met anyone in this country, to get to 80% you have to lock down 125%

    This shit right here. There was a group of about 40 strong at the lake today, having a cookout and crowding around a picnic shelter. I was so pissed, I almost fired the communal handle of 2 Stars at them that my 9 buddies and I had just polished off in the parking lot. Idjits.

    • Haha 1
  11. Have had a runny nose for about 5 days now, and yesterday started feeling the first tickles in my throat with light sneezing. Woke up today with a raw throat and moderate phlegmy coughing. No fever, aches, or shortness of breath at this point. Never had allergies and received the flu shot this year. Everything points to a common cold, but guess I’m not going anywhere for a while just in case. Probably going to have a lifetime supply of flies tied when all is said and done. 

  12. 5 minutes ago, InkaUtexas said:

    Get a grill for starters.  

    Yup. My first thought as well. If it gets that desperate... gas grill with a side burner, fridge/freezer for the garage, paper plates/plastic utensils, and wash the pots and pans with the garden hose. A kitchen isn’t absolutely necessary to cook all your meals at home, albeit more convenient. Just gotta think outside the box

    • Like 2
  13. Speaking of... err... ding dong ditch. I got in a lot of trouble in 4th grade for using the no longer accepted name for the game. Mind you, I was not raised in a racist household, and had no idea that the n-word was a derogatory word... or that it even was a real word at all. I had never heard that word used anywhere outside of the act of knocking on doors and hauling ass. I thought that n-knocker was all one word and that it was a random made-up word for the game. So when someone knocked on our classroom door, and nobody was at the door upon my teacher opening said door, I had no idea the world of trouble I was getting myself into when I stood up a yelled “it was a n-knocker!” It took me 10+ years before I finally realized why I was sent to the principal’s office for that. Also, my teacher did not chase down the responsible party and kill them on that occasion.

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