It should come as no surprise that most of the comments I’ve seen from the “influenza kills more people and the media is driving the frenzy” crowd had been from the aggy folks that I know. There are several that have made it their life’s mission to let everybody know that this is all overblown and anybody worried about catching/carrying this is just being manipulated by the media. It’s been non-stop through Facebook or text groups. I don’t give a shit, aggy. I’m young and in good health.. I know I won’t die or likely even be hospitalized by this. I still don’t want to pass it on to my elderly, compromised parents or in-laws... or any other person that may fit the bill. Even if they have a good chance of survival, the thought of them spending several weeks in icu or on a ventilator is not something I care to think about. They’re so damned caught up on only trying to push the lower than initially advertised, and only for old people death rate narrative. I honestly can’t understand why they’re on such an unwavering crusade, other than that it’s the current company line they’re being fed over at texags. It’s quite annoying.
And as said above, and as much as it pains me to agree with anyone on the hell hole that is texags, we are half assing this lockdown. It worked (presumptively) in China because people were afraid to leave their residences for anything... or were more likely, locked in. Here, most of the population is dumb/ignorant and ignore most of the warnings/orders out in place because their way of life is more important that some silly virus. While any amount of people staying home or avoiding interactions will help slow the spread, to truly “flatten the curve”, it takes full buy-in from the nation... or enforcement of temporary orders in the event that people don’t buy in. You can’t have people half-assing it if you’re taking the risk of tanking the economy to halt it. It’s whole-ass or nothing. And our idiot population is not taking it seriously enough to whole-ass it