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Posts posted by Stinkpalm

  1. Will be in a suite at the Cowboys game tonight. Tossing around the idea of squirreling away some of the food and hiding out in the suite, living off of leftovers and alcohol until Saturday. I think it could work. 

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  2. While aggy celebrates their “greatest win evar!!!”, I can’t help but laugh at the fact that they couldn’t score as many points in 4 quarters and 7 overtimes what ou scored on them in just 3 quarters. It makes an already hilarious 77-0 score just that much more gruntling.

    • Like 5
  3. 3 hours ago, Texas25 said:

    They are the fucking worst, when we leave this conference, I will take great pleasure in watching them have to take a life raft to some G5 conference. They are almost as bad as aggy, they think they are more relevant and better than what they are.

    Record in the Big 12 (during a putrid era of Texas football): 50-35 (32-28), 1-4 in bowl games. We traded the sheep humping milkmen aggy's for the cousin fucking mountain men out east. 

    Only other school I really like or don't have a problem with is Iowa State.

    I honestly don’t get WVU’s hatred of us and all the “horns down” signs the players throw every time they play us. Bitch, if it weren’t for us, y’all would still be in a shitty G5 conference 

  4. 3 hours ago, coachherman'sgrill said:

    After reading the comments and re-watching, it looks like the dude may have been stabbed. A couple of seconds in, some homeboy is on the left in red and looks to me like he stabs him.

    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

    That dude does appear to be coming in with some stabbing motions, but I think they’re just really shitty jabs. You can see the guy already falling over limp before red shirt gets a hold of him. Guy took a fist to the side of his face/neck that probably struck the nerve on the side of the neck that makes you go nighty night. Somebody posted a vid on the old site several years back of a dude who obviously had some martial arts training that put a well placed flat palm to the side of some dbags neck and dropped him like a sack of potatoes

  5. On 10/4/2018 at 10:40 PM, atomheartbevo said:

    It's best to get them while they are young, and preferably in the country illegally so that they have less incentive to contact the authorities.

    Put them in something like that shed, where they have a little bit of room to move around and what not, something to occupy their time (TV) and keep them extremely isolated for at least 3-4 months.  Very isolated - with you being their only contact.  And not just minimizing their contact with anybody else, but minimizing it with you, perhaps even going so far as to wear a mask of some sort when you have direct contact with them.  But do minimize the contact - have some sort of mechanism for giving them food and whatever else they may require, that keeps them from directly interacting with you.  Don't beat them (unless they are actively trying to escape).

    After 3-4 months, bring in some close friends.  Have some reason to enter their shed, basement living quarters whatever, and then conveniently "forget" to lock the door as you leave.  Have your friends stationed near by.  When your captive comes out, have your friends claim to be neighbors and start asking he or she if they are okay, can they help them, and just when they think they are about to reach freedom, have your friends start beating the ever living shit out of them, with no warning.  After your friends leave, go to the captive, help them up, treat their wounds, be nice/gently to them, bring them food, etc.

    Go 2-3 months (enough for your captive to heal), and bring in a different set of friends.  Again, conveniently "forget" to lock the door.  Have your friends open the door and say they are neighbors and became concerned when they caught a glimpse of your captive.  Start asking he or she if they are okay, when they come out, expecting help, again, have your friends just start tearing into them with no warning - perhaps using pieces of garden hose (you don't want any broken bones).  Beat the shit out of them.  Again, just like before, after your friends leave, go to the captive, help them up, treat their wounds, be nice/gently to them, bring them food, etc.

    Let things go another 3-4 months, and  after they are healed up, again, bring in a couple of friends.  This time have them dressed as police officers.  Have them bang on the door, and act like they are breaking the lock/door, have them enter, bring the captive out, say they are police and they were here to rescue he or she, and have them ask what is going on, why is he or she locked in the shed/whatever, and so on.  And just when the captive gets their hopes up, have your friends say something like "you know, we really don't like your kind around here" followed by another horrific beating (but not horrific enough for the hospital).  Again, just like before, after your friends leave, go to the captive, help them up, treat their wounds, be nice/gently to them, bring them food, etc.

    Depending on the captive, at this point, they should be scared absolutely shitless of coming into contact with anybody but you.  They are going to be terrified (hopefully) of the neighbors and law enforcement.  If not, maybe repeat the process a time or two.  

    The end result is a docile captive that is terrified of everybody but you.


  6. 2 hours ago, Waterface said:

    Huge cock in mouth, calling plays for a Return of the Jedi bit player. Ripping the shell off of a Gulf shrimp, sucking the juices, and then tossing it away like a milked scrotum; a beached jellyfish. What a cock in mouth guy, this dude. Loves it in his mouth. Loves cock in mouth.

    I have no idea what I just read

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  7. I can’t get over that stupid boot slide crap they do when they first get their boots. That’s literally the most entertaining thing they could come up with to pass the time in that bumfuck town. And the fact that parents show up to watch this shitshow and don’t walk away embarrassed that they pushed their kids into this cult, and instead cheer it on.... my god...

    • Haha 1
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