Nah, fuck all that shit. Look, if urban said no, then it’s a hard fucking no. You don’t turn down something as publicly rumored as this courtship was, then acquiesce a year later. Either he’s in or he’s out. If he wanted it, he would have taken the job. Urban has been around the block enough to know how things work. If we’re dead set on moving on from TH, the next coach is getting a 3 yr contract and UM is looking at another 2-3,at best, years before he gets another call. And CDC has been around the block enough to know how stupid this whole episode has, to this point, made him look, that he damned sure isn’t going to exhaust any and every avenue now, just to do it all over in a year and getting mocked all over again. We are shooting our shot and it either still has a chance to happen, or it’s done for good. The ball is obviously all in his court, but he’s either coming now, or it’s never happening.