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The People’s Elbow

Certifiably Surly
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  1. I figured news of airline loans would move the needle more. Guess not.
  2. With cases rises, states possibly locking back down and the risk of businesses closing back down (see AAPL, DIS), I actually think we’re in for a little volatility and pain the next couple weeks (or more).
  3. SPOT is fucking dumb. That’s all I have to say.
  4. Whose sock is Turkleton? No way he’s a random stranger to this community.
  5. This is slightly different, but I saw it on r/aviation yesterday and thought of this thread. USS Midway and Independence
  6. What does Burger King have to do with this?
  7. Well, these SPOT puts have turned out to be a colossal fail thus far. SPOT is up nearly 30% this week on the Joe Rogan news, but fuck me for fighting the hype. It feels like betting against BYND or TSLA. July expiry, but not sure I can suffer any more loss.
  8. Depends. What he wearing a Boomer Sooner t-shirt?
  9. Thinking long SPOT puts after seeing this breakout. ...edited to say the spreads are looser than South Austin’s mom. May sit on the sideline until those tighten up.
  10. Maybe it’s not possible to have this conversation among the stonk talk, but I’d love to learn more about others’ option exit strategies. Do you you target profit, time, technicals?
  11. BYND calls paid off quickly. Sold four of the five at +35%. Yeah, they don’t expire until July and BYND has shown a propensity to fucking fly, but I start pulling after 25%. I’m having a hard time not touching my last one and it’s +47% right now.
  12. Took today’s opportunity to get long PTON and BYND July calls.
  13. Of course. That wasn’t so much my point as the fact that I’m not experienced enough to properly min/max.
  14. No kidding. I sold expecting the ER AH sell off, and though I ended up with ~38% return, I definitely may have left some money on the table. Case and point: I made a hair over $4,200 today, but left almost that much on the table (ie the day’s highs). I can never tell when it’s gonna selloff and when it’s not, and I need more efficient exit strategies.
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