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The People’s Elbow

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The People’s Elbow

  1. Fixed it for both of you.
  2. Classic Vic Mackey special.
  3. I take it you’ve never seen a motorcade before?
  4. No one cares. Let’s fucking go. Fuck Oklahoma!
  5. Starting to wonder if this wasn’t an accident.
  6. And if they do that, they write history. It don’t make a shit.
  7. “John Moscow?“ Confirmed. This IS a simulation written by a 12-year-old!
  8. So, when everyone indicted here is inevitably pardoned, what’s next?
  9. I don’t condone violence against the president and I wouldn’t do such a thing, but if someone did something, I’d understand.
  10. He does have a reputation for being an open and giving backcountry host.
  11. At least not without swallowing pride.
  12. Vic and Zepol most nights of the week.
  13. I predict another game like last year: we gash each other and last team with the ball wins or first team with a turnover loses. It’s also the RRS, so the only thing that’s certain is OU sucks.
  14. It was never purely “America First.” There’s a fairly simple transitive element to all of this: America first Trump positions himself as America. Trump first.
  15. Highest level in 2019 is.... [checks notes] ...still less than 50% and remains one of the worst in terms of historical averages. Congrats?
  16. Unbelievably irresponsible and dangerous. Best thing that could happen to this country is this guy naturally croaking soon.
  17. Name the town. Also, why wait to notify the police?
  18. Much like government spending, truth is only important to Hammer and Qrusher when it’s convenient.
  19. I hope she’s storing these calls on her secret server.
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