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The People’s Elbow

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The People’s Elbow

  1. Are you the shittiest contributor on this website or an insufferable troll? It’s only one of these two options.
  2. I’m not familiar with this arc. Does he get Steve’s superhuman powers (speed, strength, reflexes, etc)? If not, isn’t he just a mostly normal dude, albeit with some light superhuman avian abilities, who happens to have a vibranium shield?
  3. Who was the random kid standing by himself at Tony’s funeral?
  4. What’s odd about Hawkeye being awesome? He broke out in Age of Ultron and the writing was on the wall for him to do it again in Endgame.
  5. It’s a dead heat between which of these I find most impressive: (1) you can do basic math and (2) your hot takes are consistently trash.
  6. You’re simply wrong. There’s definitely a way it doesn’t go political, and that’s by choice. You can choose to focus on the human impact and mourn the loss of life. You can choose to seek out ways to help the victims and houses of worship. You can wait to pass judgement until objective, provable facts see the light of day Instead, you chose to make a political statement, and what’s worse: you were too chickenshit to own it when called out, and instead said it was unavoidable. Own your choices, coward.
  7. It’ll end in blood one way or the other. It may take years, but it’s clear the halves are on a collision course.
  8. Something about this doesn’t sit right. As of last night, reports were she was the origin of “specific threats,” was considering armed and extremely dangerous, and the reason for two dozen school districts and nearly half a million school kids getting disrupted today At the same time, the BOLO specifically says “NO PC TO ARREST.” How can both of those be true? Is not the act of making such specific and credible threats illegal (or at least PC) in and of itself?
  9. It’s being reported she was able to purchase or otherwise acquire a pump shotgun and ammunition. Most area districts cancelled school tomorrow.
  10. local prop pilot- ‘bout tree fiddy private jet pilot- ‘bout fo’ fiddy discount pilot- ‘bout fi’ fiddy Non US discount pilot- ‘bout six fiddy Non US major- ‘bout se’en fiddy US major pilot- ‘bout ‘ate fiddy
  11. It’s required for crafting, recalibrating, the barber, and other stuff, but in such small quantities that ultimately you’re right: it’s mostly pointless. Aside from a random blueprint or gear piece here and there, there’s not usually much worth buying at the vendors.
  12. Trailer looked awesome and entertaining. I also fully expect JJ to rip off ROTJ.
  13. Don’t worry. Endgame is full of loot. Deconstruct gear and sell guns, and you’ll have plenty of money in no time. Plus, what do you need funds for right now?
  14. Actually, it hit 80 here today. Highly doubt we’ll get anywhere near 20 inches. It’ll be a few (maybe half dozen), all of which will be gone over the 60- and 70-degree weekend.
  15. For PvE, I use fire turret and healing chem launcher nearly 100% of the time. The former is really helpful for helping stem some of the bumrush tactics employed by higher-level NPCs, and the latter, with a ~10 second cooldown and the ability to stack for faster healing, is a no-brainer for my style and the necessary durability to outlast WT5’s inherent sponginess. For PvP, I use defender drone and mid-shield 90% of the time, with the remaining ten percent switching from the defender to the attack drone.
  16. It’s a waste of time at this stage of your progression IMO. There’s an enormous amount to do in the LZ.
  17. It’s a waste of time at this stage of your progression IMO. There’s an enormous amount to do in the LZ.
  18. Fozz’s fear is damn near palpable.
  19. Your comparison based on a single data point is pretty fail. Just own it and move on.
  20. The biggest takeaway from this thread? Dolemite is a pussy.
  21. Periphery 4 started to leak ahead of its release this week, so they said “fuck it” and threw the whole thing on YouTube themselves. Whole album: The third track, CHVRCH BVRNER, has momentary shades of Dillinger Escape Plan and is pure fucking brutality.
  22. Just hit gear score 452 and getting a halfway decent, tanky build: 190,000/56,000/1,600
  23. Now that part I agree with — the AI is a different breed this game, especially in the world tiers and even more so when aggro’ing control points However, I think with loots’ generous drop and some of the new skills, players have decent options for builds and revives making soloing seem more reasonably possible in this game. This seems to be a theme in The Division subreddit.
  24. Fandango now showing movietimes fir opening day and beyond. The April 2nd ticket sale date rumor may in fact be true.
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