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The People’s Elbow

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The People’s Elbow

  1. This is the first time you’ve shown some self-awareness. Bravo for embracing the growing opportunity.
  2. In all seriousness, I read it was near or at record-breaking for North America.
  3. Yeah right. Like anyone could actually know that.
  4. “Work harder and pull yourself up by your bootstraps.” -Slorch
  5. I know you’re in CO but whereabouts? Grand or Summit Counties, or somewhere farther away from the front range?
  6. It might be easier to crawl or walk if your decrepit boomer asses were wheeled out of in forced retirement. You’re tone deaf and making all the points you think you’re refuting. Typical.
  7. Why not offer to buy back the site — or simply the domain name — for $3.50?
  8. ...and Every Time I Die. Weird fucking bill but I’m probably in.
  9. It’s almost like you don’t know the difference between Buzzfeed and Buzzfeed News.
  10. More accurately, it sounds like you’re incentivizing safe sex.
  11. Iconoclast’s takes are so fucking hot, they’re contributing to climate change.
  12. You’re discussing a problem with the solution. That wasn’t the ask. I want you to make a case beyond a shadow of a doubt using historical and empirical data there’s a problem at the border.
  13. What’s the current problem? Please expound with evidence.
  14. Cow can’t kick the bucket fast enough.
  15. Here are some ideas: 1. Rate limit new users. Yes, I know: it’s the thing you don’t want to do. However, it doesn’t have to be permanent. 2. Look into making the crowd sourcing threshold lower. 3. Is there an ability to tie rate-limiting to rep and/or a user’s history of reported posts? 4. Is ghosting an option? 5. Multi-factor auth? 6. Any plugins out there that can help cross-reference poster IPs with suspicious proxy IPs? 7. Make Hank Scorpio moderator.
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