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The People’s Elbow

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by The People’s Elbow

  1. CDC needs to quit pussyfooting around and strike a deal with Giphy so Adzillatron can finally up its meme game.
  2. Knowing fuck-all about Sam’s injury or pain, I’m leaning towards Shane starting. We have enough playmakers to share the productivity, have the good possibility of the CCG the week-after; and it’s fucking Kansas. I’m not sure I’m seeing the risk-reward of Sam starting.
  3. Strong start all around. Good ball control. Decent offensive line performance. Love the big push, YAC plays. Keep it up.
  4. You’re a fucking idiot. Game is over when it’s over.
  5. Says the man who eagerly bit the pillow, let random dudes cum in his ass, and returned home to pass along whatever-the-fuck-disease to his wife all so he could score some dope.
  6. Maybe my memory is shit — and it is — but I seem to recall Trump’s defense here occurring in shifts: Orca of Peace for a couple weeks, then NameWithHeld for a couple, then udaydanceparty, then Chrispy, on and on. The inconsistency seems sketchy as shit.
  7. Sounds like you played that devil’s threesome drinking game.
  8. None of that matters. I’d be shocked if Twitter hasn’t been served and compelled to preserve several individuals’ Tweets. Nothing is ever deleted.
  9. This. The troll’s job is to create cognitive noise and plausible deniability around this incident, not engage in any good faith conversation.
  10. Correct. He gives no fucks about playing sound football.
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