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Everything posted by AbeFroman

  1. Like I said, going for 1
  2. There is no doubt they are going for 2
  3. Get this down to 4 or 5 by the half or not fuck it
  4. They bumping and hacking the shit out of us, now they over there bitching and whining.
  5. Tre needs to touch it at least once every time down the floor
  6. Travis is too used to gently squeezing Taylor's titty balls. You have to grab that football like a man son, squeeze it.
  7. You see why Aggy leads the country in offensive rebounding, they can't fucking shoot.
  8. UCF surging, 1 pt game. minute left
  9. David Zalman cannot be a real person, he just can't
  10. The brought that middle chick in directly from Killarney.
  11. I didn't know Johnny Dawkins was the UCF coach. I remember seeing him at the final four at Reunion in '86. Fuck I am getting fucking old
  12. Aggy UCF starting really sloppy, and UCF couldn't hit water if they were in a canoe.
  13. Right there with you. I know myself and I will give in and play something on the Horns, it's just the way I roll.
  14. Personally I am waiting to see if Mark is good to go tonight or not. It is obviously a crap shoot either way, but everything I'm reading, he is going to be the engine.
  15. I told them before the game, beat only the people in red. These fools don't listen.
  16. Oh that is a fucking phenomenal catch
  17. I really think McCarthy gets more joy out of a long field goal than a touchdown.
  18. As stupid as we are, maybe run into each other and fumble.
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