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Everything posted by AbeFroman

  1. Great route there Frankenstein
  2. Settling in to what we kind of expected.
  3. Dr. Howard Dr. Fine Dr. Howard
  4. Funny, you drive all the way down the field and then get gimmicky.
  5. Penn State band starting the day off with an off key rendition of the national anthem.
  6. Watched North Crowley molly whopp Mansfield High last night. That wasn't surprising at all, but if you haven't seen North Crowley play, that is a track team dressed up like a football team.
  7. Diandra with a lukewarm welcome, I wonder what she's been up to.
  8. And, Let It Ride. RIP you wonderful woman
  9. They need to make it "What ever you do, for the love of God, do not play like a Jet"
  10. They need to change their motto , I think "Play like a Jet" is confusing these guys.
  11. I always wanted when this happens for it to be an automatic ejection for stupidity. Hit the bricks
  12. The Jets & Cowboys should play in the over exposure turd bowl.
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