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Everything posted by AbeFroman

  1. But why are you wearing unis like someone came in hammered and layed gently on your pile of shirts
  2. Last pee joke, remember when Horns played Richie Lewis and FSU in their pee jerseys and fucked them up. Me too
  3. Let’s go hit the piss out of the ball.
  4. They look like somebody peed all over them. I expected better from varsity letterman.
  5. If the Jets defense cannot get themselves off the field, not much else is going to matter.
  6. Listen to this bumbling nitwit. Mr. everything runs through Lubbock is about to find himself out of a job
  7. My son is in the hospital, you know what this is a perfect opportunity for 'A Photo Op' Let's take a picture of me needlessly staring at him while he's trying to get some fucking sleep. Then we'll post it on social media.
  8. She will always get a Horns up from me. Unless i drank too much
  9. And as soon as I post this, they call some ticky-tac shit. Fuck me right
  10. Don't ever let anyone try to tell you that bullshit that you can't touch receivers.
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