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Everything posted by AbeFroman

  1. Hill out there thinking about those bus trips he's about to be on.
  2. Get something up and get it out there. Good job.
  3. How am I just now hearing that MLB is doing the draft from the Stockyards?
  4. Just put it on a tee for them Jon.
  5. That is now the standard. 19 hits 13 runs easy breezy.
  6. Well lookie there. Keep your roster spot for a tad longer Bob.
  7. Man that sucks. She was obviously in agony.
  8. Masvidal/Diaz this is actually a really entertaining fight. Sloppy yes, but they’re throwing.
  9. AbeFroman

    Euro 2024

    How do you miss that one altogether?
  10. That was a half-ass effort on the shot.
  11. Nice, let's put a few of these together.
  12. Fucking Latz, you are up 3 throw goddamn strikes.
  13. AbeFroman

    Euro 2024

    There was an obvious memo sent out to make as many NFL comparisons as possible. New memo, just call the game.
  14. AbeFroman

    Euro 2024

    Come on brosefo, have some dignity.
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