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Everything posted by AbeFroman

  1. People make way too big a deal out of the weather.
  2. Recruit moves up announcement to 7 so he can announce at 8
  3. I don't know about this one, but Thamel has a lot of douchebag in him. I had to unblock him to read his post, the re-block him. It felt better the 2nd time.
  4. They're dressing for clicks, we're dressing for wins.
  5. We've had 4 caught looking strikeouts today that were dead bullseye in the center.
  6. That delivery is fucking us up, and Wyatt in particular. He's not picking the ball up at all.
  7. Don't start this shit blue.
  8. Hot dog that baserunning was the cat's meow.
  9. Jesse Plemmons is a good pitch man.
  10. AbeFroman

    Euro 2024

    Malen you beautiful bastard.
  11. AbeFroman

    Euro 2024

    Gakpo is putting on a display.
  12. AbeFroman

    Euro 2024

    All the European pundits seem to think this should be more open, so maybe over the 2.5 goals.
  13. In the other game, that 2nd goal by Panama was a beaut.
  14. Wtf? I mean what in the living fuck??
  15. Even when I like what Alexi is saying, I hate the way he says it.
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