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Everything posted by AbeFroman

  1. My son is in the hospital, you know what this is a perfect opportunity for 'A Photo Op' Let's take a picture of me needlessly staring at him while he's trying to get some fucking sleep. Then we'll post it on social media.
  2. She will always get a Horns up from me. Unless i drank too much
  3. And as soon as I post this, they call some ticky-tac shit. Fuck me right
  4. Don't ever let anyone try to tell you that bullshit that you can't touch receivers.
  5. Turpin may be dumb as a hammer, but damn he can run.
  6. Now that was a good drive. That's Cowboys football.
  7. I guess interference doesn't exist anymore.
  8. You don't have to circle Micah every time. We know who #11 is.
  9. hahaha touche Browns, that was good
  10. Unbelievable, Titans QB just went brain dead and lost the lead.
  11. That's what they were trying to make you do you stupid ass Sooners These announcers are fucking idiots
  12. HaaaaHaaa
  13. Cheating no good lying scumbag motherfuckers
  14. Cheating no good motherfuckers
  15. That is not a fucking safety
  16. Houston bout to win this shit
  17. Haha he tricked their slow ass
  18. jesus h this is the dumbest fucking thing, and fits
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