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Everything posted by crony

  1. Mad men was one of the most overrated TV shows ever. Good yes, but tv critics drooling over this shit is ridiculous.
  2. Daaaamn
  3. Fuck a 10 way chop. How many rooms are in San Antonio?
  4. There's 3 poker houses that I know of in Austin. Texas card house- Biggest room with lots of action 1-2, 2-5, 5-10. Bad beat jackpots, and lots of players coming back from the bathroom with the sniffles. You'll get paid here. Full house card room- the cheapest of the 3 with only a $10 monthly. Mostly 1-2 and occasionally 2-5, but their tournaments give a free buy-in. Lots of weed vape pens to smoke from during breaks. Ace card house- Eh, decent room and really cool owner, but it's south Austin, and I don't think I've ever seen more than one full table.
  5. I understand the hatred for Sheldon Adelson, but the Venetian is a target rich environment. Nice room and layout with drunk tourists everywhere deciding to give poker a try. 1/2 NL instead of 1/3 with lots of callers holding 3rd pair. Plus the food is good, $100 splash pots, bad beat payoffs, and 30 minute high hands are in play. I won $400 extra for winning with quad queens.
  6. That AQ is a bitch. I just lost with that hand at Caesar's against call station Asian.
  7. Any more televised events?
  8. Young dude with sideways visor comes in and buys $200 for 1/2 NL. First hand (BB), he sees his cards and starts shaking worse than Ali holding the olympic torch and bets $25. I have a pair of queens in cutoff so I call along with 2 others. Flop comes AQ3 rainbow, and he nervously Michael J Foxes $75 in chips. I've seen that type of shaking before, because I used to do the same shit when I first played and had a monster, so I fold. Turn is a 3 pairing the board, and he nervously whispers all in while putting in his chips like it was an exercise in vocational rehab. Table folds. His hands shake so much when he tries to casually muck his cards they hit the pile of chips he's trying to stack, turn over, and sure enough he has bullets. Later on he had another pair of aces, but this time spills his drink from the cupholder when he shows them. Calm as shit when he had nothing and tried to bluff by looking at the TV or humming a tune, but damn did his physiology betray him when he had the nuts. 2 rebuys later, the whole table hated to see him go.
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