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Everything posted by crony

  1. Let's Goooo Bison!!!! Big 12 offenses gonna be licking their chops against this Colorado D.
  2. crony

    The Boys S4

    IMO, this is easily the worst season of all.
  3. Sit the fuck down aggies!
  4. crony

    The Boys S4

    He was guessing. HVAC ducts are coated with rust resistant zinc, which Homelander can't see through.
  5. crony

    The Boys S4

    First 3 episodes dropping at 2 am CST.
  6. I really liked this show, and still do, but I always hated the part where Deborah gave the misogynistic piece of shit 1.69 million dollars to never perform again. I mean seriously? Shit if that happens, I assume dozens of pieces of shit, comedians and non comedians, would show up at her shows looking for a payday, or at least disrupt the shit out of things. Not to mention an asshole gets rewarded for fucked up behavior. Just seemed like the writer's room was like' "Eh fuck it, let's make this piece of shit a millionaire and move on, because she can't stop them all!"
  7. crony


    This was Toranaga's thoughts on Blackthorne from the book.
  8. Edit: Oops, meant Tony Brackens. Not the hybrid of Kenny Vaccaro/Tony Brackens.
  9. My battalion commander in OIF was a West Point grad. Go Navy!
  10. Fucking holding on Ok State as usual.
  11. Bullshit overhyped ass team cause they beat shit ass LSU.
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