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Everything posted by NIUHuskies

  1. Just checking, I have been sexually sober for a week. As always, I am powerless over lust and fear. Hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving.
  2. Friend of mine is selling this baseball on ebay: https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F133242967794
  3. There are a lot of S groups. I am in Sexaholics Anonymous. Just straight SA. We are aligned to the AA mission pretty tightly. We read the Big Book and 12 and 12 rigorously. Our founder was an AA and decided to reach out to our ilk. We have people who come to us that are in various degrees addicted. Their acting out (mine included) had reach that desperation point whether it was habitual masturbation, porn binges, affairs or prostitution. Our addiction is lust; Sa.org is the website . Meeting times for Texas. https://www.sa.org/f2f/united-states-of-america/texas/
  4. I have done step work. Just need to continue to work it. Just thought I could use some another outlet. Saw this topic on the board last night and my mind goes "oh!" So I am here to admit that I powerless over lust and fear and be another voice here to help myself and others. And when I make a mistake promptly admit that i was wrong and make amends.
  5. The nitty gritty is that I am a sexalcoholic/lustalcoholic. I use porn and fantasy to escape the damages of an abused childhood. Entered SA in March. There are days that I struggle just staying off of porn sites, immersing myself in lust, and living with incredible fear.
  6. Any room on this board for other addicts?
  7. Now, Steve King needs to announce his retirement. ..
  8. Went to the Little Red Barn tonight. Not the best steak I have ever had. But worth a visit.
  9. The key is to have the donut in line as you wait to your breakfast tacos.
  10. Texarkana--the one thing Arkansas does better than Texas
  11. East St. Louis is an all timer. Other Illinois cities Metropolis, Brooklyn, and Effingham Paducah for Kentucky. Pigeon Forge for Tennessee. Lake Charles for Louisiana. West Memphis for Arkansas. Kingsville for Texas. Moore for Oklahoma.
  12. Are you doing the tourist stuff?
  13. Was there tonight. American pale ale was good. Others fair.
  14. If ever in Saint Charles, Illinois, head on over to D and G Brewery. Decent American Wheat and Kolsch.
  15. I know late to the party. But this will be discussed Tuesday in San Antonio: https://www.tpr.org/community-calendar/event/543575
  16. The 3 point swing in the Judson-Steele game was a PAT block for 2 the other way in the 2nd quarter. Steele is back. Westlake needs to worry come playoff time.
  17. Hurd's facial expression is priceless in the background.
  18. Saw Peanut Butter Falcon over the weekend. One of the better new releases I have seen in awhile. Rather see something on that scale than a Marvel remake. More originality from Hollywood please
  19. From the SA world, Brennan shuts out Reagab 17 to 0
  20. That's my pick. My gut tells me it will be someone outside the current field. It lines up for her... midwest, democratic convention in Milwaukee, and dem governor to nominate replacement.
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