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Everything posted by NIUHuskies

  1. Too lazy to look: Fazolis and Shoney's should both shutter their doors.
  2. No particular order for SA El Azteco on Basse Portillos on Sommerset Taquitos on west avenue Judy's on Roosevelt
  3. Was following his livestream of his drive yesterday. Decided to ask a few questions to see if they get through and they did: Debates-Still trying to work with the Cruz campaign to not to have it on Friday nights. Wants families to see the debate so that they can make an informed decision. Last book he read-a book about the fall of the Roman Republic under Caesar and then mentioned the Taylor Branch book that was mentioned in the viral video
  4. What's the New York Post headline for this day?
  5. So two weeks after the Access Hollywood tapes.
  6. Remind me when those payments were made...
  7. https://twitter.com/danpfeiffer/status/1032011922051194880
  8. Packed house there right now. Gym is full
  9. Getting a lil rapey there Donald...
  10. Just saw him in San Antonio. Crowd of a couple of hundred. Dude needs 3 to 4 shirts a day the way he sweats. Picked up my yard sign for north central San Antonio (between the loops).
  11. https://www.cnn.com/2018/08/16/politics/military-parade-postponed/index.html interesting quote: "The Department of Defense and White House have been planning a parade to honor America's military veterans and commemorate the centennial of World War I," Defense Department spokesman Col. Rob Manning said Thursday in a statement Thursday. "We originally targeted November 10, 2018 for this event but have now agreed to explore opportunities in 2019."
  12. Westmoreland (November 1967):"“We have reached an important point where the end begins to come into view.”
  13. Obama: "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor. If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan."
  14. Also, you can twist that saying Whataburger uses USDA choice beef and he supports American farmers. Unlike the present Trump administration whom Cruz has supported. The copy is so easy to write.
  15. Poutine is legit on its own merits unlike Cruz.
  16. Interesting neighborhood he went canvassing. Whispering Oaks is upper middle class. 4 bedroom houses small lots. Plays into the move by Democrats to go after suburban type voters. Would have been interested to see if he would have went into richer areas like Stone Oak or Terrell Hills.
  17. Too little too late. It would be great to see Paul Ryan go full Jeff Blake or Bob Corker in the final months of his Speakership.. Highly doubtful.
  18. Irishman is going to Irish...
  19. Snooze for the first 45 min... and then 20 minutes of commercials. Only enjoyed 5 min of show
  20. It was all a Perfect Storm of events. If one thing was delayed or did not happen, the election turns out different. Forget the FBI or Russian meddling, it could have been the release of Access Hollywood tape. Image that bomb dropped a week later.
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