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Everything posted by NIUHuskies

  1. Going to the pros (and ignoring the thread title) here: Brett Favre's game against Raiders the day after his father passed. Had 399 yards and 4 TDs. Green Bay won 41 to 7.
  2. Does American Sniper get any credit for being a Texas movie? If so, which city?
  3. https://www.facebook.com/1396354366/posts/10212308534133932/ Gross misleading content
  4. So that's where the ratings for Springer went and the show just got cancelled.
  5. Girls Trip was probably the funniest for pure comedy. Then, Deadpool number 2
  6. Winters suck. But at least you get a fall and college hockey. Avoid State Street on Halloween. Not too far from the Dells and Devils Head State Park.
  7. I would say it violates this set of guidelines: http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/index.html
  8. We have had our fingers on Latin America since the Monroe doctrine. It is our policies that have shaped the directions of El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala. Further, the cartels are in power because of the addictions of American citizens. Those cartels are the ones who create the violence that the refugees are fleeing.
  9. Umm... the republicans control both houses of Congress. Call out Ryan and McConnell
  10. Are you sure that is a good idea? http://www.nbcnews.com/id/23168160/ns/us_news-life/t/cdc-tests-confirm-fema-trailers-are-toxic/
  11. So how are the immigrant children going to take on the bureaucracy? This is so gross.
  12. Just saw the Fred Rogers' Won't You Be My Neighbor? Excellent doc. His message of love is sorely needed in these times.
  13. Up, Charley and the Chocolate Factor (Gene Wilder version), Back to the Future, Land Before Time, Fern Gully, and the original Incredible Journey
  14. Just finished. Gwynne can certainly write. One of the better bios I have read in the past couple of years.
  15. Can I have Gaslighting for $800. Alex?
  16. " “The hottest places in hell are reserved for those who, in times of great moral crisis, maintain their neutrality.” --Dante
  17. It's just the cues taken by society from the current occupant of the Oval Office
  18. What is killing dairy is the fact that milk prices are the same that they were 30 years ago. Killing small family farms and leading to cooperate scale farming.
  19. I see your Pruitt and raise you a Devos
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