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Everything posted by Washpark

  1. I was in a consulting gig about 9 years ago and had recently joined a project team that had been client side for awhile. My role was supporting the senior partners on the project and at the time was still fairly junior. I had worked for one partner (A) prior but the other partner (B) I had no prior experience. It is my first week, and everyone is chatting about summer plans, etc. Partner B is going on and on about his summer plans to go to Hawaii and hadn't mentioned significant other, wife, or kids, etc. I am wanting to build rapport with Partner B given no prior relationship so I ask about his plans while on vacation, and we go back and forth for 5 to 10 minutes so I think the conversation is going great. But still no indication who he is going on vacation even though I tried multiple times to allude but not directly ask. Finally, I end the conversation not thinking but state that his wife must be excited. The whole rooms falls silent. Partner B sharply tells me that he is gay, and he will be going with his boyfriend. I sheepishly apologize and go back to work while the room stays silent. I only later found out that week that Partner B recently left his wife of 10+ years and started dating men and that it was a huge scandal in the local office.
  2. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/05/business/cfpb-payday-lenders-mulvaney.html
  3. Any decent site that tracks home type deals? Have a bunch of generic household shit like tv, smart home shit, plus other random crap. no rush to buy so figure would wait to decent deals come around.
  4. Tried to go around 5pm and had a 30 minute wait. Went to Eastside Pies instead. It did not disappoint. Hopefully, it slows down as I can walk to this Home Slice location.
  5. I’d buy 5 or so off anyone who orders based in Austin
  6. Had Valentina’s to-mex recently. Was good but if it wasn’t in the taco then don’t believe it would get much love. The meat alone is good but not great especially compared to what you can get in the area. Fan of the brisket but thought the chicken was meh. Queso was quality and great tortillas. Nice way to mix up bbq.
  7. Saw on the trail
  8. Dad and mom have been retired 20 and 15 years respectively. First 5 -10 or so years they travelled all the time. Did the big Europe vacation, Alaska, etc. They loved it and were able body enough to do it comfortably. Less able now but more social and have picked up hobbies. Dad does wood working and probably spends more than it cost to buy but keeps him busy while mom does gardening most days. They are always visiting friends and going on day trips so probably have a more lively social calendar than I do. Retirement doesn’t have to be an end if you stay active and find hobbies plus go out and be social. They constantly talk about how happy and stress free life is now at this stage and just want to enjoy it with their kids.
  9. First time kayaking with doggo
  10. He brought China and North Korea to the table, and we all are too stupid to know that there will be a great reveal any moment just like a TV show!
  11. We’ll see. I’d bet lots of money that I turn out rights.
  12. America has a long tradition of being dynamic and able to adapt to the changing world. I don't understand end of world types who want some type of revolution instead of sensible reform. I don't believe it would take much to end political gridlock, reduce corruption / nepotism, or other political ills. I not so secretly believe that the revolution types are the same who have a bunker and take those bs survival classes so they are not expecting the world to end but hoping it does so they can say told you so for all their crazy beliefs.
  13. Trump and team folded like a cheap lawn chair No trade war and empty promises from China
  14. In Paris, a couple of guys tried to take my backpack and run. In Bratislava, a man tried to take my girlfriend at the time purse and run but thankfully I was right there and intervened. I was chased twice in Columbia by differential locals trying to rob me. Same trip, a taxi driver told me as I got out that he debated just robbing me and dumping me in the ghetto since I looked so drunk Guess not travel but while living in DC, I had a guy tried to grab my cell out of my hand and run out of the metro none of these were successful but damn maybe I look like a gringo target or something
  15. It is intellectually lazy, dishonest, or both to believe that having a surrogate take payments from a company for access is the same level of corruption that has historically occurred. I agree that lobbying and money in politics distorts incentives but it is another level of influence peddling when direct payments happen vs campaign contributions.
  16. 1234
  17. I’m disappointed in Rex but not as harsh. He publicly tried to push the president and was clear but leaked conversations that he didn’t respect Trump. Given the level of craziness and lack of public support of Trump policies, I’d give Rex the benefit of doubt.
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