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Everything posted by Washpark

  1. +1 on Virgin Islands Jamaica, et al are filled with midwesterners and the accommodations reflect their preferences.
  2. China stocks have been crushed for anyone willing to ride volatility. FANG of China includes Tencent, Alibaba, and Baidu. JD if you want closer to pure play ecommerce
  3. Home Depot business model keeps chugging along and not impacted to ecommerce.
  4. Trump may unintentionally drive change with China as countries are pushing back strongly against their policies. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/14/world/asia/china-trade-war-trump-xi-jinping-.html
  5. If nocturnal emissions then no need, right? Asking for my friend, Hugo.
  6. https://www.momondo.com/trip-finder/ I'd just look at sites like these and find flight deals then book it. Columbia is fairly safe these days and probably heading there myself but for work. For $3k - $5k alone, you can do a lot if you are willing to stay in budget type hotels.
  7. I find this funny
  8. that was quick
  9. +1 in Hyde park Light sustained shower
  10. Going with masturbation as first order after my secretary installs blinds for my office. I just lost the company over $10M from an accounting basis and got a bonus. Lulz. Going to spend next few weeks to plan my 3-week vacation in Asia.
  11. Except you engage in the exact same behavior and act like a petulant bitch
  12. Seems like a common occurrence for our resident snowflake.
  13. She still can't cook for shit.
  14. But you still would perform fellatio on Trump if asked, right?
  15. Either an idiot or a troll. Is your logic that trump improved the energy sector, the global commodities market?
  16. Lulz. Snowfake slorch gets negged so goes around negging all my post.
  17. #slorch’d
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