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Everything posted by Washpark

  1. Unrelated, but has anyone heard from Roger Stone recently? Seems awfully quiet.
  2. So he was always just bloviating and never really willing to standup against the establishment?
  3. https://www.bloomberg.com/amp/view/articles/2018-07-25/facebook-fb-earnings-financial-facade-develops-serious-cracks
  4. Funny how on the fence voters/posters disappear when it is pointed out that Cruz is a hypocrite. Reinforces that they will vote team R no matter the candidate.
  5. I’m tempted to set my alarm to get to experience in real time the melt down
  6. Same but with edits. Oh and being banned.
  7. It is comical how often party line Republican voters use that reasoning to justify voting for Republicans. I grew up in rural Texas and have many relatives that proudly voted for Trump. Now, they sheepishly mumble and walk away when try to talk politics. They will still be voting Republican, because it is team over country.
  8. https://www.houstonchronicle.com/local/gray-matters/article/beto-o-rourke-ted-cruz-town-hall-meetings-12919799.php https://www.theodysseyonline.com/top-ten-most-disliked-republican-senators
  9. http://nymag.com/daily/intelligencer/2018/04/ted-cruz-praises-donald-trump-who-bullied-his-family.html
  10. 1234 I would never pay for one but used them on both home purchases and never had issues having items covered. Ask me in about a year as I am going to try to have my A/C replaced
  11. I am lifetime platinum at Marriott and guess Starwood now. I earned it the hard way. I switched airlines too many times to have lifetime status but frequently travel int'l business or 1st so usually earn it in a few flights. Paying for status for the off times that I do not qualify is worth it at this point in my life so I have the exec plat AA and United card. I expense all my flights through my own credit card for work so it can net out in my favor as last year I probably spent $30K+ in flights.
  12. Dem candidates aren't going to convert Fox news watches and should stop trying to appeal to them. Those voters will always vote for any candidate with a R next to their name as seen by Trump, Moore, etc. Dems need to find a new base from the subset of disenfranchised voters and motivate them to become active in politics. I'd argue that is why Ocasio -Cortez won and how Obama did too. Dem leadership is afraid of this, because they are basically Republican lite and want to maintain the status quo. Appealing to moderates is a losing strategy from an election and policy position because those moderates won't switch or already support dem policies which dem leadership are too afraid to defend.
  13. SS, medicare, etc aren't pay what you get. they are taxes. all the taxes don't come reimbursed to you. SS, medicare, etc should be seen as insurance policies that in case you fall below a certain threshold then you receive. Republicans have been saying SS, medicare, etc is going broke for over 30+ years. It hasn't and won't. If Republicans cared about fiscal responsibility, they would cut military spending and stop giving tax breaks to billionaires and companies
  14. You mean like Kansas? Oh, wait. That is exactly the policies Republicans advocate and has been an catastrophic failure.
  15. It hasn't been binary. Conservatives have had incremental legislative wins in erosion of women's rights, expansion of fun laws, etc. They use the emotional issues to drive their voters to the polls but still implement broadly conservative policies while making incremental successes on the emotional issues. I'd argue that conservatives have been extremely successful at implementing their policies but just haven't had to pass sweeping legislation that does it in one act.
  16. Exactly, this logic led to candidates like John Kerry, John Edwards, Hilldog, etc. the establishment left loses when they moderate.
  17. How many Supreme Court justices? the right has been systemically eroding liberties for decdes so I would argue their strategy has worked very well.
  18. They have systemically disenfranchised people so the left / right paradigm is just shades of right. By saying this in the only range of positions, we limited the conversation allowing republican to win the debate before it began. If the left can create a voting block as passionate and dedicated to the party as evangelicals then the left won’t need fake moderates
  19. Team b_t and Mojo republicans have been able to enact regressive policies by requiring party purity. Fuck the moderates. Either support or go vote for a rapist, Russian stooge party
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