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  1. Can't control if the other team's players are pussies
  2. Someone is lost and a day behind.
  3. Could stand to lose a few
  4. Ask him why Brad Davis has his number retired, because no one really knows the answer to that.
  5. It's not a hot take or something radical, he is slow and out of shape. That doesn't mean he cannot work himself into better shape as the season goes, but if you watched last night that's not really debatable.
  6. I watched last night and what struck me more than anything is how good LeBron still is. Seeing Luka and LeBron in the same offense, Luka looks like he's stuck in the mud. As long as the Lakers are winning, it will not be a problem, but if they hit the skids, Luka's slow style is going to bring a quick avalanche of critics.
  7. There's Paul Mccarthy. Steamboat likes him
  8. penalty einstein
  9. ah yes, Eminem
  10. Quoting people that nobody gives a shit about
  11. English motherfucker do you speak it?
  12. Oh that was like that movie
  13. Spurs are still terrible.
  14. Welp this game is over. Our first game in the NIT will be on the road.
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