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  1. I don't think you've been paying attention, at all.
  2. Not a big deal that we need to argue, but you are reversing them. The US military measures their distances in yards. You are shooting at 500 yard targets etc.. not meters. 500 yards is 457 meters
  3. You traded a 4th for the guy. If you're not going to give him a start when Dak is hurt, you're out of playoff contention, and it's the last game of the year, then when will you ever give the guy a chance? They can paint them however they want. I have no problem with this.
  4. This kid better have an agent ready, he is about to be fielding phone calls.
  5. DigDug


    Let's not start trying to interject logic into anything around here. Not today.
  6. Where in Texas is he from? I feel like blaming Houston.
  7. Baylor wearing Oregon's throwbacks today.
  8. Game turned on that 3rd and 1. McCarthy fucked everything up.
  9. This is some kind of documentary of a broadcast of a game. Waiting for the narration to kick in.
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