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Everything posted by DigDug

  1. He stretched for that like a middle-aged man after a nap.
  2. Wearing that hat don't make you Ozzie Smith
  3. that dude has got some strong hands
  4. Kennedy need a series of therapy sessions with a professional. Only something deep seeded in your childhood would make a man stand like that.
  5. tell that pitcher, I am the captain now
  6. that is 8 fucking inches outside
  7. TCU just hit salami in the 1st to open up 4-0 on Arky
  8. that's a shit call to end it
  9. We should have had a mid-week game earlier in the year and the winner of that game would get to host in case both teams had similar seasons. …what, what’s that? wait I’m being told there was a game…and Texas won Well there it is, can’t argue with that.
  10. He’s fine, it’s like a punch, take it and move on.
  11. there's no way Kennedy is comfortable in that stance
  12. If I were any of the people right around her, there would be one ask nicely, followed by two pops if she didn't stop.
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