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Everything posted by DigDug

  1. How flat out typical is that. They can only lie and fake who they really are for so long before it comes pouring out.
  2. He’s got a show coming out on Apple+. Which means unfortunately most people will never see it.
  3. It is pretty amazing that he can’t even go and sit and fake it on Sunday. You know, like we all did as kids.
  4. Man Fox News is still pushing that Trump narrative. (shocking I know) They give every opening and excuse for voting patterns and discrepancies and baseless accusations. So slanted and disingenuous. And the rubes still eat it up.
  5. They are literally going to have to drag his sorry ass out of the White House. It will be so pathetic ...but it will also be hilarious.
  6. Man, Cube is coming off like a dumbass. He is flat out delusional if he thinks that was ever going to happen.
  7. The party of ‘Muh Freedom’ doesn’t want people’s votes to count. Almost like they’re hypocritical shitbags.
  8. I am watching Fox News, listening to WBAP, reading tigerdroppings texags & insidetexas.... I do not have enough intake capacity for all these tears. This is good, please let it keep going.
  9. I am watching Fox News. They’re interviewing Trump breakfast groups, and you ain’t gonna believe this. Theses people are batshit fucking crazy.
  10. This may be the worst night in the history of this country. Fuck every one of these fascist motherfuckers.
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