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Everything posted by DigDug

  1. A fucking men
  2. It’s looking more and more like what we all thought before. Coming down to PA, and they’re going to cheat like a motherfucker and use the stacked court to try and steal it.
  3. Several times, top of my head I know Clemson, North Dakota St & Baylor women all got stale fast food.
  4. He meant as in ‘this engine is shot’ ...but the thing is I would not doubt for a second that his handlers have been feeding him that line knowing that his dumb ass would say it, and that in turn would dog whistle his nut base. They did the same thing against Hillary saying the 2A crowd should stop her before she appointed anyone to the SC.
  5. What even is their point? I am honestly starting to think if they lose the election, they are all going to be screaming ‘no way there’s no way, our rallies were bigger!’
  6. That is some deep deep desperation.
  7. I was hoping Cuban would come out for the Dallas stop, but since the AAC is being used as a polling station I don’t know if that would put the Democrats in hot water.
  8. He was defensive and lying from the jump. Do you honestly think she should get down and blow him like Hannity? There was nothing unfair in the way she handled the interview. That was a great opportunity for him and he proved for the millionth time he cannot handle it. I honestly read your statement and I’m like, wtf did this guy see that I didn’t.
  9. Just a piece of shit human being.
  10. I use the VA as my main service for healthcare. What exactly is supposed to be so improved? I guess I am unaware that there were mass changes that I have yet to notice. Or they could be in areas I don’t deal with.
  11. Is he talking about Dice Clay? Cause that sounds spot on.
  12. Yep https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.kvue.com/amp/article/news/local/lago-vista-isd-dad-goes-live-on-youtube-at-school-causes-lockouts-police-say/269-526718449
  13. Just your every day asshole
  14. Nobody said anything about ignoring his lies. It’s a comment on the delusion and easy persuasion on half this country. Go eat some more pills.
  15. He never misses an opportunity to act like a fucking moron.
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