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Everything posted by DigDug

  1. I would pay generously to see Kayleigh get locked in a cage for a while with Amanda Nunes.
  2. If you don’t have a fundamental dislike for these fucking scumbags, which basically means every aggy on the planet, you may need to take a hard look at yourself.
  3. I seen those at Target. Don’t be trying to sneak candy bars through there.
  4. This, they should have immediately went after her on that. And what Roma said above is absolutely true. That was purposely put out there and the facebook trumpkin cult will repeat it and eat it up. Their strategy has always been a constant barrage of misinformation to dilute the whole so as you can write your own narrative.
  5. Are you fucking blind?
  6. I’m straight up serious, for the betterment of our country, call off the other debates. This is an absolute global embarrassment. And it is completely unnecessary.
  7. That’s what we were sitting here screaming about. It’s not hard to turn microphones on and off. Just ridiculous.
  8. That’s what we were sitting here screaming about. It’s not hard to turn microphones on and off. Just ridiculous.
  9. There is absolutely no point in having another debate. Absolutely none. Just a fucking mess, and if you don’t know who you’re voting for by now then this shit will not help you.
  10. Good message right there Joe
  11. Goddamn just turn their mic off when it’s not their turn. Fuck it’s not that hard.
  12. So on brand
  13. Did this sorry motherfucker just post a picture of himself for 9/11? Of course he did, why would we expect anything else.
  14. You got one part of that whole post right and it was Fuck The Trumpers.
  15. Beyond ridiculous. @jack and his cohorts are the biggest fucking scared pussies to let this lunatic just keep posting lie after blatant lie
  16. I sure as shit am cheering him tearing that down. The only thing I thought sucked is that he didn’t burn it, and that Trump wasn’t standing underneath it.
  17. On redtube once I saw Gagging Granny, Do not recommend.
  18. And again, every Democrat should be clapping back at how he was punked by Stuttering John. You have to punch the fat bully.
  19. And when your voting district doesn’t have up to date information on mail in ballots because of the purposely slow ass post office, congratulations you just committed a felony. Of course, the people telling this bloated shitbag to keep saying it, already know that.
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