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Everything posted by DigDug

  1. I honestly think he’s going to slip up and call Cory Booker an Nbomb before November. Or especially after November if he loses. He cannot help but keep trying to scare white suburbanites that the black man is coming. The bad black man is coming for you.
  2. You know 17 is legal age to join the military. So why is this great patriot illegally carrying a rifle and murdering us citizens in the streets, when he could sign on the line that is dotted and stand up and legally defend this great nation?
  3. By the way, if you don’t think so, or don’t realize how completely screwed up this is... this account simply posts the president’s tweets verbatim and was just suspended for a third time yet trump’s original bullshit tweets remain.
  4. His twitter account should be suspended indefinitely. Blatant lies have been turned up to 12.
  5. Man I hope this guy pulls through
  6. Such a whiny lying bitch. It’s just ingrained in the fabric of his soul.
  7. Holy shit, that’s an execution. Fuck man
  8. That is the best I’ve heard him sound, well, ever.
  9. And a blek would be in charge! WAKE UP WHITE PEOPLE!!!
  10. I still think it’s the drugs. You have a speed habit, like he obviously does, your processing loses it’s fluidity. Your brain starts working in jumpy sparks and disconnected thoughts.
  11. I guarantee you that message coming from a black female is especially pissing them off.
  12. Y’all may find this hard to believe, but that is complete and utter Horseshit!
  13. A new tone only means he’s taking a different kind of slow dope. He always switches back to the speed.
  14. Like everyone else the human side of me says I should show empathy towards his plight and his family, but right now I just can’t. He was an asshole, and this country is in the predicament it is in because of assholes all around just like him. I am in no way rooting for people to die, but truthfully Fuck’em. The hoaxers and Q dipshits have put thousands and thousands of other people at risk without giving a damn.
  15. That read like poetry. I’ve had similar experiences. Letting those people go from your life is freeing. Screw her.
  16. What a cunt. Man sack up and have some respect.
  17. You are still under some strange spell where you think that lying sack of shit is telling the truth. I know you’re smarter than that.
  18. And he can’t stop bragging about it, he wants the world to know.
  19. He is too goddamn dumb to even realize how dumb he is.
  20. ^ let’s not today
  21. That’s completely fucked up, but considering everything that’s going on and that there were no immediate deaths in the shooting, it’s not shocking at all. You need deaths for the headlines, that’s the unfortunate reality we live in.
  22. Jizzlane, I like that.
  23. Ah it’s good to see he’s still the big fat dumb dense shitbag I remember from 2 days ago.
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