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Everything posted by DigDug

  1. By the way, since the right is trying to push this narrative that ANTIFA is some huge organization terrorizing the whole country ....who are their leaders, what are their demands, where are their headquarters, give me a description, name one member, etc Release this great information you have, maybe some of us good law abiding citizens would like to bring these guys in for justice.. or is just propaganda bullshit to give you an excuse to repeatedly attack Americans?
  2. Look how disingenuous these sorry fuckers are. Count to 3 motherfucker!
  3. This is motherfucking insane what is going on. Don’t anyone ever use that few bad apples argument. The entire country’s police forces are pieces of shit. To the fucking core. #policebrutalitypandemic
  4. So what was the point of that, are they saying the curfew was like 3:30 in the afternoon
  5. I’ll bet my next onion ring that guy is a cop. Look at his sorry ass.
  6. Wish he would have stopped before the burn part, but that is some passion.
  7. That’s 100% the goal...or actually maybe further back than that.
  8. That literally makes me want to throw up.
  9. Never ever let it be misconstrued who the aggressors are
  10. I think Drew just found a QB friend. Jake Fromm talking about suppressors for guns “Just make them very expensive so only elite white people can get them”
  11. That’s at least progress. When you’re hunkered down and dug in, it takes something to start moving away from your spot.
  12. He’s actually got a point. When somebody shows up at your door to say they were wrong, you don’t clap back...Bout Time You Showed up ya Fucking Cocksucker!!
  13. I’ll also add that since the civil rights movement, the core of the right wing is racism. Everything is built from that. Voter suppression, gerrymandering, tax cuts for rich, trickle down eco, large penalties for small drug offenses, support for crooked cops etc etc etc. It’s built to control populations. Many like Drew grew up in it, then hide behind someone elses military service so they can foster all those ideas.
  14. Good that he apologized, but his tone deafness about the protests and his intentional blindness and disregard for the current state of affairs will not be forgotten. His apology is spin control, his disregard was from the heart.
  15. Have no doubt, all around this country, who the aggressors are.
  16. Telling you, this is a nation wide effort coming from the very top specifically to try and justify hurting and killing American protesters.
  17. Keep it in your pants Bama
  18. People should realize cops around the country are trying to set traps so they have public opinion on their side when they unload on protesters. They are setting up scenarios to use live ammunition.
  19. It’s not exclusive, but it’s much much more prevalent and real. It’s a different reality, and I honestly I think you know that.
  20. One side is backed with district attorneys, prosecutors, judges and jailers who are all against you and a lot of them crooked. They can trap you and your family in a system for years and generations where they purposely keep you from prospering and take away your hope.
  21. I get it, but my post was in response to Emaw saying you don’t have political stunts at sporting events, when the league itself is sponsoring exactly that.
  22. You could also make a good argument that all of the soldier reunions with family at football games were huge political stunts. The NFL was paid a lot of money by the US Army to put on these theatrical presentations. When you realize they were just planned advertisements, it takes a lot of the shine off of it.
  23. This dumb motherfucker lol
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