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Everything posted by DigDug

  1. Haha this lying motherfucker. This so dumb and fucked up. Then why delete them?
  2. And went to Virginia on the 28th. Fucking Republicans act like this shit isn't tracked.
  3. Goddamn he is just a constant embarrassment.
  4. So true so true, the man said, I'm the best aroouund and nothing gonna ever get you down
  5. haha you dumb motherfucker lol
  6. I've posted before about listening to the local right wing radio here in Dallas just to hear their baseline and make sure my brain is functioning well. I lasted about 15 minutes today. When they started saying Trump was just being inquisitive yesterday and that's a good thing, had to bail. That is fucking absolute nuts. And that is their baseline. It starts with Trump bears no responsibility for anything, then it grows from there.
  7. Man that guy is too good. Scary good.
  8. Goddamn I hope some people out there starting injecting themselves with lysol. Let the hilarity ensue.
  9. This fucking moron. Just a lying shitbag.
  10. I have yet to run across a maga that will sincerely address Trump's inability to tell the truth. Any rational sane person can tell he has a narcissistic disorder on a dangerous level. It's the crux of everything. Of course I guess if they were honest and could admit that, they wouldn't be maga.
  11. How does anyone possibly defend that?
  12. That dude was already planning for the quarantine. Nerd chess, not checkers
  13. Screw all that science and knowledge, let's trust the guy who is literally incapable of telling the truth.
  14. No, but a quick search shows his office just north of LBJ at the Tollway & Spring Valley. Called his number, was going to see if I could get a quote for the story we're running in tomorrow's Springfield Post Gazette, but no answer. Go figure
  15. Wo wo, did my man just roll up in a modified rascal in that first scene?Pimpin ain't easy
  16. I think it's in there right after ice cream shoppes & nail salons.
  17. Lol bunch of entitled dumbasses. Yeah, everybody else has to follow it except you.
  18. I thing it's good that people call him out as a senile lunatic everyday. He doesn't need to be given a pass or normalized for his daily idiocy. When he wakes up and stops being a sack of shit, we'll let it go.
  19. Woah shit. This is heavy.
  20. He was also in Norfolk, Va on March 28th. This fucking guy is insane.
  21. So you're ok with the President constantly lying his ass off and saying no one got in because of the reduction in numbers. And no one is saying travel restrictions were not something that was necessary. What were saying is stop saying that completely cut off people from entering. STOP FUCKING LYING!
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