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Everything posted by DigDug

  1. He was also in Norfolk, Va on March 28th. This fucking guy is insane.
  2. So you're ok with the President constantly lying his ass off and saying no one got in because of the reduction in numbers. And no one is saying travel restrictions were not something that was necessary. What were saying is stop saying that completely cut off people from entering. STOP FUCKING LYING!
  3. I really wish reporters would hammer him everyday on this. Both NY Times & Fox News reported that an estimated 43,000 people flew in from China after Trump's "ban". He stands on this one point everyday, and it's a complete fabrication. It's a complete bullshit point.
  4. I'm buying that guy more than one beer. Not the orange raccoon, the other guy. High five broseph!
  5. You know none of want to see people go, but when you jump into a raging river while shooting everybody the double bird and saying Fuck off Libtards!! You can't stop my righteous freedom...well you get what you get. Unfortunately in this case, the water you splashed up is reaching out and pulling more people into the river.
  6. There is no being reasonable with this guy or anyone in his cult. Fuck em all.
  7. Oh fuck this both sides are equal shit. One side actually uses Qanon and Alex Jones as their mainstream thought process. Fucking fuck people, come on.
  8. So Drudge put out a story about the amount of rising deaths from a pandemic, and Trump's response is, you know that guys ratings have really taken a dip.
  9. I think it's the many thousands of posts on Twitter by Bernie Bros who are saying never Trump & never Biden.
  10. So did Florida fully 100% open up all restaurants and retail shops? How does opening beaches alone stimulate your economy?
  11. That is a great point because kids are going to be taken into a lot of work places or public places or unfamiliar private homes where they will be exposed to less controlled environments.
  12. Hell yes, every governor in this country needs to stop walking on egg shells and keep smacking that fat sack of shit with facts. Quit letting his everyday lies go unchecked.
  13. I especially liked the part in her post where she told you to go fuck yourself.
  14. Sweatergawd I'm gonna pop champagne the day that sorry scumbag bastard gets his fat ass shoved in a pine box.
  15. I like the cut of this guys jib
  16. This has been a consistent talking point on right wing radio.
  17. Can he go one day, just one damn day. I mean he wakes up being a sack of shit.
  18. I may have been a little harsh, but he was being extra stupid.
  19. Wow, Danny is a fucking dipshit. I'm gonna try to chalk this up to a bad day. What a series of dumb fucking statements.
  20. Such the pussy ass cop out. Such him.
  21. Along the same lines, I see the same mentality with a sect of coaches at the youth level. They think yelling and spouting off tired cliches is actually coaching and teaching. They don't understand the reasoning or the teaching of fundamentals and how to relate that so kids understand in a game situation. But they will surely demean them in front of everyone and then stand proud on their false bravado. And unfortunately there are a certain group of parents that don't know or don't care, and they applaud that.
  22. I'm out in the country on the NW side and Damn son. Hail and big continous lightning strikes.
  23. Cashapp bro
  24. You think that's the only reason Trump is divisive. Yeah bud Here's a newsflash, there's many of us who have served and can't stand his sorry fucking ass. Also I got no more time to debate or be reasonable with motherfuckers who insist on supporting that sack of shit.
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