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Everything posted by DigDug

  1. Cashapp bro
  2. You think that's the only reason Trump is divisive. Yeah bud Here's a newsflash, there's many of us who have served and can't stand his sorry fucking ass. Also I got no more time to debate or be reasonable with motherfuckers who insist on supporting that sack of shit.
  3. Nothing to do with nothing, but watching back through The Wire again. Beginning of S4 Ep1, some dude off camera is constantly yelling PANDEMIC! PANDEMIC RIGHT HERE! PANDEMIC!
  4. That is a mentally ill man. He is an embarrassment to this country.
  5. Man if that doesn't just sum up who he is. Just full of shit from top to bottom.
  6. Fuck man, that is heartbreaking.
  7. hand jobs
  8. You know, and I'm just spitballing here, he could try being humble and honest and compassionate. That path may actually work better.
  9. Without turning my tv on, I think I have a pretty good idea what fox news is running.
  10. Beyond irresponsible. Can any Trumpkin defend this reckless dangerous behavior. People will lose their lives directly because of him. You can draw a straight line from it.
  11. Yes, apparently the husband is trying to change it because of the backlash.
  12. Sorry to go back, but I heard this morning, and it's unconfirmed, that Karen's family has insisted on changing her cause of death from corona to unknown. Apparently they don't accept corona as a cause.
  13. Or Georgia governor. They flat out stole that one.
  14. Wow, such leadership.
  15. Or they're planning on murdering someone again, then throw their hands up like.... who, us??
  16. Out back trying to figure shit out. Like don't stare at the sun, shit like that.
  17. To answer you seriously, yes. Yes of course he would have, because he and his administration would have listened to actual experts when they rang alarm bells in January. He wouldn't have gotten rid of the pandemic response team in the first place. He wouldn't have been holding rallies calling it a political hoax. He wouldn't have been arrogantly taking all his cues from fox news and saying it's just the flu and like a miracle it will just go away. He wouldn't have been so divisive with governors who desperately need help. And also he wouldn't put his idiot underqualified soninlaw up there as the head of his response team. Of course, without question, there is no doubt it would have been handled better.
  18. From the Karen post above, this is a standout paragraph. "You don’t need hand sanitizer, toilet paper, and Lysol. You need common sense, a sense of direction, faith, a will to fight, and of course guns!" That sums up a lot of what this country is dealing with. A large portion of the population is simply anti-science. No matter what some ole fancy schooling doctor or scientist tells them, they know better. Thoughts and prayers.
  19. I think this is like the time on the Office when Michael gave the lunch bill from Hooters to Angela for deduction and her Toby wouldn't accept it then Michael hated Toby even more. It's got something to do with Hooters.
  20. Maybe Party City is just out of stock.
  21. That is the most transparent attempt to rally public opinion behind you using our country's defense as a pawn. Just cheap bullshit false bravado. And if he was actually briefed that information, I truly doubt the DoD or CIA or whomever appreciates him running to twitter to spout off about it.
  22. Like many of us that have Trumpkins in our family, you can't do anything about it. They are lost in the world of a con-man. The running total on lies and misleading statements he's told since taking office is around 20,000, yet I have a Trumpkin family member that will tell you with a straight face that he's never heard him tell a lie. Never. There is no rationalization or being reasonable with someone like that. There is really no reason to talk to them at all about anything political. They're lost in the sauce.
  23. Welcome to your daily reminder that our president is a human sack of shit. Never misses a chance to be a sack of shit.
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