If we had actual leadership at the national level, we wouldn't have to be thinking in the abstract to solve things in individual states. What we should have is a clear and concise message supported by facts and science coming from the president and his administration.
Instead what we have is a petulant child who goes on babbling rants spewing falsehoods and conjecture. And all the while insulting the state leaders he should be working the closest with.
I mean what an opportunity he had to genuinely help people and bring this country closer together. He had the opportunity to make the over half of this country that doesn't like him actually like him.
But instead he is just as divisive and insulting as always. He is incapable of any other way. It's not in him. He is a good bullshitter, which his base loves, and a terribly awful leader.
Keep thinking in the abstract and being solution oriented because it's got to come from somewhere.