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Everything posted by DigDug

  1. Tokyo is listed roughly 38 million. I wonder if he realizes those are two different places.
  2. Just a human sack of shit. Never misses a chance to be a sack of shit.
  3. If we had actual leadership at the national level, we wouldn't have to be thinking in the abstract to solve things in individual states. What we should have is a clear and concise message supported by facts and science coming from the president and his administration. Instead what we have is a petulant child who goes on babbling rants spewing falsehoods and conjecture. And all the while insulting the state leaders he should be working the closest with. I mean what an opportunity he had to genuinely help people and bring this country closer together. He had the opportunity to make the over half of this country that doesn't like him actually like him. But instead he is just as divisive and insulting as always. He is incapable of any other way. It's not in him. He is a good bullshitter, which his base loves, and a terribly awful leader. Keep thinking in the abstract and being solution oriented because it's got to come from somewhere.
  4. I really hope you're not suggesting Trump be the determiner of some "common sense" policy where the end result is more deaths in certain states then a regime change, because one that's ridiculous, and two there is no one lesser qualified on the planet than he is to determine common sense.
  5. Getting hammered on air is the most likeable thing ever about her.
  6. Well you'll be pissing on my turds, cause I'm taking a shit right on it.
  7. Just a human sack of shit. Never misses a chance to be a sack of shit.
  8. The only reason, THE ONLY REASON that he cares what happens in New York or other blue areas is because of what it does to the overall numbers. He nor his administration care one iota what happens to those families on a personal human empathetic level.
  9. He's talking to himself!!! I want one of you resident Trumpkins to stand up and defend your leader here. He is sitting there yelling at the sky when he has the power and platform to change things. So weak. Such a bitch.
  10. Never misses an opportunity to be a divisive sack of shit. And old right wingers will look at the same thing and somehow call that American leadership.
  11. I'm not even going to click on the video, but I can guarantee you he's lying. Whatever it is that lousy sonofabitch is talking about, he's lying.
  12. What The Fuck
  13. Just a human sack of shit.
  14. Dear leader himself said we could all get tests. Thou for art not sake dear leader.
  15. Fuck every single Trumpkin in this country. And fuck that come together bullshit. You people have supported every single lie he's said for the last 4 years. You stood up and supported him when he threw out dog whistles and blatant directions supporting violence. He is incapable of telling the truth, and you Trumpkins applaud that. There is no let's be friends and supportive. Fuck every single one of you.
  16. Short-sighted, Narrow-minded, Arrogant The foundation of the Republican party.
  17. Listening to Trump just now, he still hasn't got it in his head that folks can be asymptomatic and transmit the virus.
  18. Oh I guarantee you they're calling it Yellow Fever or the Chink Stink or Honk Kong Fluey. Anything to troll the libs.
  19. He's just a fucking insecure asshole. That's really what everything comes back to.
  20. It's almost as if they're making it up as they go along.
  21. Just a bullshittin con-man nothing more
  22. Slipping into nutso Howard Hughes right before us.
  23. He'll tweet out tomorrow that he never said that. And his cult followers will fall in line.
  24. What a sack of shit
  25. Lying bastard
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