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Everything posted by DigDug

  1. A$ap rocky in the house
  2. Well he just laid it out right there. And Schiff was 100% right, they all mad cause they got caught.
  3. Playing dumb
  4. Nunes is such a douchebag, it is completely laughable when he speaks.
  5. He looks flat fucking awful. Unhealthy
  6. Motherfucker got no dick
  7. Dammit Hoyt, what now
  8. Somebody say hot meal, it's fucking freezing out here.
  9. He is pathetically fragile
  10. That's just Hoyt being Hoyt
  11. How do you put people on ignore? Because this is one dumb sad motherfucker I'd like to have on ignore.
  12. A straight up con artist from the northeast gets booed heavily in New York and Washington and cheered in Alabama. I wonder what him and those folks have in common.
  13. Fucking liberals
  14. Yeah Chuck you kinda sound like what people on meth would say.
  15. So fucking laughable lol. What a shitshow clown we have for president.
  16. That is great, and to answer your question no there is not any topic that Trump could have a true thoughtful discussion on, and mainly because of his mental illness he doesn't listen and doesn't know how to think things through. Oh he can regurgitate, parrot and make shit up, but a thoughtful heartfelt discussion is an impossibility.
  17. Give me 500 on the over
  18. He does that to him then he should get to do it to Melanie. Of course her brain might instantly trigger back to her porn call girl days, and there'd be a real show.
  19. STOP WHINING, you fucking little bitch. Damn dude have some damn pride.
  20. Example infinity. Mentally ill
  21. Dude if you're the left then fuck you and fuck everything about you. No one I associate with would ever vote for Trump under any circumstance but we sure as shit wouldn't support your ass.
  22. They are flat fucking terrible. The whole production is terrible. The network is a goddamn curse.
  23. Damn you
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