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Everything posted by DigDug

  1. The new cornerback made a good flying dive after that guy caught the ball.
  2. The shortest ones are the hardest, that's what I tell everybody.
  3. At least Serbia got the bronze they can be happy. They talked so much shit the other day, Fort Worth killed one as punishment. Today’s a better day.
  4. I’m guessing he also would have wanted someone to jump in and save him. He’s 1 for 2.
  5. The US vs France in Paris, that’s going to get better ratings than the Pope.
  6. As long as no one else we play has a good big man.
  7. Ref is getting cussed out in south russian
  8. She must have a very pretty mom because Dennis Rodman is world class in the ugly department.
  9. That's the kind of meal that Mom would throw in the microwave and heat up before she headed out to her "2nd job"
  10. Can you walk with 2 caddies? 2nd guy with just a bag full of dry towels and gloves.
  11. If they're not allowing tight balls and corked bats, then we're doing this wrong.
  12. MLB probably brought out a breathalyzer.
  13. Rehab is not so bad. 30 days and you can start drinking again.
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