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Posts posted by Rabidhorn

  1. 20 hours ago, Dennis Taylor said:

    My son graduated high school in 2017. He had a 34 ACT and top 2% of a very competitive burb high school (not a single B, lots of AP), plus NHS (officer), academic All State in football, statewide AD award etc etc etc. Put mechanical and chemical as first two choices and was denied Cockrell and got the typical auto-admit major options....I've never seen him so mad. UT was all he ever wanted and this did not sit well with him. at all There was a dark time where aggy (with some scholly money) was a distinct possibility.

    About a week later he got another email from admissions and was offered a spot in environmental engineering, which was a new undergrad program at the time. Wasn't what he wanted but it was in Cockrell. Advisors said internal Cockrell transfers were very doable with good grades. He accepted that spot and transferred to petroleum after one semester and a 3.8. Got an internship for his first summer, which was great experience. Had over a dozen interviews and 6 offers at the fall job fair for this summer. He has some high school friends at aggy that are in engineering with 4.0 or close to it that can't get internships.

     I was skeptical  about him joining a frat but it has been great for him. Grades are stressed and he has made great connections. Holds an office in the frat and he said it comes up in his interviews quite a bit, and it gives him some nice perks as well. It's expensive but has paid dividends.              

    My niece Joan got accepted to Yale and a few other top schools but got rejected by Texas with no explanation as to why, man was she pissed, her sister got rejected by aggy but got accepted to Texas and Texas Tech.

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