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Everything posted by Rabidhorn

  1. Papillon-Why do remakes of great movies? God this shitty was shitty.
  2. Tomb Raider 2018-What a yawner.
  3. Red J is gone but Dallas gets fuck by zebras.
  4. The coke bill for the RNC last night had to be a million bucks, my God!!! Hunter S. Thompson would have had a ball.
  5. That reminds me I have to buy another AR-15 and a case of ammo in case anything bad happens in early Nov.
  6. Lou Holtz wants football to go on, an old rich white catholic wants the sport with 75% non white players to go on, imagine that? Lou is a fucking idiot, but you already knew that.
  7. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid All the Presidents Men Great great movies.
  8. Is Trump the Antichrist?
  9. Desperado. Hayek is smoke.
  10. Jesus!!! Trump is a personality that can sell cars but has the IQ of a houseplant, hell even George stupid Bush could have prevented 1/2 of American dead during this time.
  11. Chuck is looking for some publicity after years of selling fake products.
  12. Captain-Guinan do you have any more of that Klingon Moon Wine? Guinan-No but I got some good shit I bought from Android Willie Nelson Captain-How good is it? Guinan-It will pucker the rings of Uranus
  13. Terminator 6 Dark Fate-JESUS James Cameron, you should have stopped at 2. What a stinker.
  14. Tonight's episode seemed to get cut off quickly, or my DVR stopped recording early, last I saw was IT'S UNDER THE BOAT, BILL!!
  15. Has a video ever been shot of antifa burning an American flag? All Americans should be anti fascist.
  16. Newsmax is a right wing fake news site that thinks Fox News is liberal trash.
  17. Venom-Got good after the long set up.
  18. Rocketman-Meh
  19. Aggy being aggy.
  20. My wife will be in a wheel chair before her 66th birthday because of parkinson's, get a new wife is not fucking funny in any way.
  21. My All American-Could have been so much more.
  22. Wife wanted to watch it.
  23. 30 minutes into the new Charlies Angels and I am thinking the people that made it should be tortured.
  24. HEY ABBOTT!!! You are a moron
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