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  1. Please expand on that. Are you saying they are the same?
  2. That’s what makes special forces so badass. We got the best flashlights….
  3. The triggers are other worldly good. How the hell such an affordable pistol can have such a trigger blows my mind. I very much want one so I can disassemble it and see how they work.
  4. He is a strange guy. The preseason bravado, the look at me shit. He had to know that the NFL is fully of fast, strong, great players. I mean he can’t be that naive? His lack of maturity is on full display when he gets frustrated
  5. That PA sounds like it is from a 1970’s high school auditorium.
  6. Hamttx

    3D Printing

    What’s the initial investment to purchase everything needed to print something in the 4”x5” size? Not looking for specifics, just a general idea what type of financial commitment it takes to produce small items. Over/inder $5k
  7. Damn you guys are hitting on all cylinders!
  8. I was probably about 30 years old at the time. And for reasons I can’t explain It was one of those times in life where something disappoints you to such a degree it sort of numbs you. Only later do you go through the “I should have said” exercise. It floored me that she pulled that shit. I was the only nephew he had. And we were great friends as well. She would pass a few years later and I have no idea what came of the watch. I did get some of his war memorabilia, and his war time bible. Which I hold in high regard. But, I would be lying if I didn’t admit I wanted that watch more than anything.
  9. Hamttx

    3D Printing

    I don’t know anything about this tech. Is there a commercial possibility for these machines? Or are they only intended for the hobbyist?
  10. Some serious trolling taking place on this thread.
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