What are laughing at? In the 90’s the NCAA was hammered for $54 million on those very grounds when they tried to cap salaries. What, you thought inflation brought about the absurd amount of money a D1 coach can earn? Fuck no, the NCAA didn’t want an arms race.
The NCAA isnt dumb. They knew full well that if you pay a coach $10 million. Someone is going to ask why? And more importantly, how?
Factor in that the most expensive element of any business is it’s workforce. And you get the O’Bannon case. One where a current players likeness shows up on a video game and he doesn’t receive any compensation, but the university does.
Then again in 2013 this very issue again pops up on the hill. And again the Sherman Anti-Trust is waved like a Sabre. Fortunately for the NCAA, it was brought up during a lame duck Congress. A shot over the bow if you will. But don’t think for a second that the new transfer rules were out of the goodness of the NCAA’s heart. It is because they hear the dogs. And they will either eventually reform, of be replaced by a governing body. The money, and how to get a piece of it is what everyone is looking at.