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Everything posted by HuntinHorn

  1. Here comes Pierce with his garbage truck.. about to empty the dumpster
  2. Thanks coach. We are are hitting like high schoolers as well
  3. Are we sure we don’t have the unis switched? … their orange is kicking our oranges’ ass
  4. Carter swung at ball 4 and then promptly k'd two pitches later ....You are supposed to making up for letting that ball get by you ....not adding to the cluster f..
  5. What a nutkick half-inning after such a good Gray performance.
  6. Got damn Carter. Doing you best Diamondback impersonation letting that ball get by you? Better make up for it in the box!
  7. Damn....a 1-0 win. Who'd a thunk it?
  8. Good to see a nice start by a starter ...... Now if these weak ass striking out bats would wake up.
  9. TGH doing the Lord's work! Keep it up!
  10. Yes sir. I am a fan of the Lady Horns softball team. I had two screens up and an Ipad for Rangers, Texas baseball and softball today. Softball was moved to the big screen quick and the only one standing after I called it quits watching the blowuts...
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