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Everything posted by HuntinHorn

  1. Goode with a Jack! 3 for 3. 5RBIs Lotta jacks . 13-0
  2. Goode with a 2RBI single and now a run scored 4-0
  3. Nice win ladies... 17 was dominant. Good to see Goode get some playing time and get some hits as well.
  4. Cluster F most every time 88 takes the mound.
  5. Ol ADupe doesn’t miss many bats
  6. Downtown Porter Brown has morphed into Shutdown Porter Brown.
  7. Dammit I missed that... You are correct.
  8. And now a HBP. Bases loaded no outs...
  9. Well good start to this one.... poor defense and a 4 pitch walk
  10. O'Dowd in the 8 hole. If he's gotta play, that's a good spot for him.
  11. Why would you play yesterday's replay game at 2:30pm and then wait to show Sunday's game at 10pm?
  12. I give up....it just refreshed and say something different. Who knows
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