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About texaslong

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  1. This part seems a little weird. Martin alleges that last season, Koenning spoke in a position meeting "about President Trump and how he should 'build the wall and keep Hispanics out of the country,' and there's a Hispanic in the meeting." Martin also referred to a meeting Koenning had with his high school coach, Jon Carpenter, who described Koenning as having a "'Slave Master' mentality" in a later conversation with Martin. Carpenter denied making that claim Tuesday, telling "This Week in WV Sports" "100 percent no. I never told him that," adding that he's "heartbroken Kerry could feel that way." Martin responded to Carpenter's claim, calling it "100 percent not true" on Twitter.
  2. ESPN is going the route of MTV.
  3. Do they always blame crap on UT or Austin?
  4. It’s a Louisiana education thing I guess. I misspelled pawn shop and then didn’t pay attention to the autocorrect either.
  5. Had a co-worker's son who sat in jail for over a year waiting on a trail. His son was a bail bondsman who had a beef with an ATF agent. They apparently were friends at one point, but something happened in which my co-workers son sent the guy's wife an email informing her that her husband was doing some shady stuff and he needed to stop. FBI and ATF show up at co-worker's house one day and tore the house apart and took his son in charging him with a terror threat. Took about a year, but they dropped all charges and released him. Turns out the ATF agent had been taking evidence and selling it to a local pond shop. The pond shop owner knew he was buying illegal stuff and decided to turn on the agent when he found out that the agent had been sleeping with his wife. Just remember my co-worker spending a fortune on lawyers and an investigator while absolutely knowing his son was innocent.
  6. 2020 is off to a good start.
  7. Mond has been a starter for 3 years. He started the 3rd game of 2017 and he's been the starter ever since. So 3 years and 44 touchdowns is what ESPN and aggy are selling as a 1st round QB?
  8. Do they have to copy everything? They don't have a single tradition that they actually created.
  9. Every single year. Don't ever change Billy.
  10. That just proves it easier to beat Big 12 teams than it is SEC teams. These stats prove the SEC is big boy football.
  11. UT Dallas has a better business school than aggy.
  12. Andy Allo is so damn sexy.
  13. Have they ever signed an actual three star? I know most of the ones they sign are really high 4 or 5 stars that the pro-sip recruiting sites criminally rank to low. Got me wondering if they've ever had to actually settle on a true 3 star signee. I can't name any off the top of my head.
  14. This scene cracked me up also, cause Jordan claimed he tried and tried to toughen Scott Burrell up, but that he was to nice of a guy. “You stay away from Scott Burrell,” Jordan tells NBC’s Ahmad Rashad as Rashad reflects on the pressure of playing in a Game 7. “You're not instructed to talk to Scott Burrell. You'll scare the shit out of him."
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