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Everything posted by qwertyu1234

  1. I wonder how many of those seats are from the visitors.
  2. Concrete Dream The unwritten rules of fly fishing Corrupt caterpillars crawl
  3. This movie was mentioned a few posts up, the end battle in Saving Private Ryan was way better than the D-Day opening scene.
  4. Agree with everything except i would put WVU in the 1st tier, along with KSU as the only viable contenders to KU's 15th. WVU is going to be deeper which is needed with their full court press.
  5. Surprised nobody posted these already:
  6. Since somebody said this, i'll also add bye bye bye by Nsync.
  7. This team is lacking a wing who can shoot the three and i'd take the bet of 2-4 wins too. Non conference schedule is just too good.
  8. Two great basslines of the top of my head:
  9. The Beatles cared more about the music than their lyrics. Some of the lyrics didn't make any sense and Lennon sometimes put meaningless words in the songs as a joke to people who over analyzed the Beatles work.
  10. They do, with Cris Carter and some other guy and it's also awful.
  11. To answer your question jebus, there was a glimmer of hope last year that there would be, uh, marginal improvements but that obviously hasn't happened. I fully expect to go winless next season.
  12. I thought that jian yang only smoked when he was in a good mood?
  13. Written by someone who toured with Nico for about the last decade of her life, pretty brief and very well written.
  14. Newish Neko Case song, releasing a new album in June. It's ok...
  15. I don't want to start another thread, so i'm going to break up the (much deserved) Trump hate circle jerk and ask a not so topical question. Does Trump's tax plan align with supply side economics?
  16. Law and Order SVU should be put out of it's misery, the writing is awful. Also, Heather is my favorite character.
  17. A cover of a 60's icon of a song by another 60's icon. The lyrics are pretty ambiguous, but you could reasonably interpret them as being about Vietnam.
  18. Knicks want Jay Wright, good luck with that. http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/basketball/knicks/knicks-reach-villanova-jay-wright-coaching-job-article-1.3929914
  19. So are we going to see bighead or the hot chick at all this season?
  20. With his injuries, inability to guard a big outside the paint, free throw troubles and overall limited offensive game; i'd be shocked if he declares and signs an agent....but it almost doesn't matter. Front court will be much improved and deeper with or without him.
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