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Everything posted by Caracara

  1. No I'm not being obtuse. I'm giving you a hard time because you think you know what everyone is, what everyone thinks, and everything that happens behind closed doors
  2. Is this a process, or do you need a final answer by Thursday? The international stage of perception may change as things progress. But I bet a lot of Koreans are thankful this is happening. And others.
  3. link to the transcripts of the meeting por favor. And I can't find the previous stuff with Pompeo either. Got that?
  4. Yeah he was born into it, but he might be up for something different. I find this much better than world war or the status quo of gulags famine and growing nukes, or even assassinating him and letting NK descend into complete madness. What was your idea?
  5. I was hoping all those would happen in the first day, but I guess I greatly overestimated our hand.
  6. I think peace is in the air. And possibly reform. That's my opinion. It's an ideal worth taking a new, non-lethal tack for.
  7. You know the military exercises lift is totally provisional, right? Somebody should have asked him about that. Ok. You would have prepared for the genius "Do you trust him, " question. But maybe it's an asian thing, and Trump knows how important it is for KIM to look good to Korea, so Trump is playing that game to get the deal done and in 15 years the gulags and nukes and famine and systematic torture will be gone. You'll still have to live with memory of our flag next to theirs, but there could be upside.
  8. If I was in the process of coercing him in a deal, I wouldn't walk out of a good meeting and publicly announce I didn't trust him. But I might trust him some, with my navy in his waters, sanctions, and military exercises (a face saving concession I just gave him) easily reestablished in a heartbeat. And if Trump made a semi self deprecating joke about "coming up with an excuse (because he can be a spinner and blowhard and he knows it and he knows we all know it), I wouldn't be obtuse reporting it or discussing it.
  9. MSM (19 minutes after Trump meets dear-leader): "Mr President, do you trust him?" Trump: "Yes" MSM: "OMFG! OMFG!"
  10. And be not conformed to this world:
  11. can you help me with this jock itch?
  12. A number of things. A former Lt Colonel and congressman said some things to someone I know. When I heard this stuff it's possible confirmation bias kicked in.
  13. I didn't vote for Trump. I did think he had a special relationship with the military, and was about to accomplish something major and drastic due to previously un-utilized US military intelligence and strategic power. What is happening is preferable to world war, or letting things get worse. But there's no obvious urgency from Kim. I wanted Kim to make a speech about major change and a new era.
  14. Disappointed. If I was South Korean I might be hopeful. This is probably a first step to something good, but I had hoped for a lot more. I expected to hear Kim say "we must make changes." I expected evidence that his feet were to the fire and a gun was to his head. I thought we had him over a barrel. I think Kim's nuclear weapons are done for, but I was hoping we were ready to force other reforms. The summit didn't move the process ahead by leaps and bounds. There were no great surprises or revelations.
  15. This might be a way to get substantive change going without maintaining or increasing the amount of death and destruction. Then the Justice For Kim Jung Un mania can began, after we're in the door..
  16. Kim Jung Un is born into this situation. What the hell can he do? Maybe Trump can help him out of it, minus Kim losing all his sexy assistants. He'd make a great ornamental royalty-type king like in Europe, in a land moving towards democracy. All the respect, fewer headaches for the fat little, big kid
  17. Rodman feeling totally redeemed
  18. I bet Trump hates pain in the ass foreign languages
  19. I'm just glad I haven't caught the disease. It' spreads like wildfire
  20. That's just another insult. Little bitty, dumb children can do it. I don't want to change into that.
  21. you are sigh
  22. you should start a thread about it
  23. Based on the evidence I've seen, I think he's a pedo. If I was a DA, I might investigate. But were I a judge rendering a decision, I'd require real proof. But I'm allowed to have opinions. I'm just a message board poster. You have a lot of opinions about POTUS. Do I harangue you about them, or scream that you're claiming "fact? " After Seven brought pizza-gate to this thread, and after i corrected Dixon for a poor use of the word "demonstrably," You've protested like crazy. I've done almost nothing but entertain your feverish stupidity and attacks. I just wanted to talk a Korea. take a couple of deep breaths why don't you.
  24. I'd just love to see you make a statement and back it up with a sensible argument, instead of some goofy pseudo-astonishment or outrage. I don't see all your posts. You probably do it somewhere.
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