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Posts posted by Caracara

  1. 3 minutes ago, WhatTheBuck said:

    I don't think you understand China's role in the N. Korea situation. 

    do tell.  You've proved to have a deep understanding of asia. I'm not even sure what you're doing here. You should be in singapore or manning the asian desk at the WSJ

    • Like 1
  2. 5 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    When asked about why he didn't bring up North Korea's record of human rights violations, the president responded, "There are a lot of killers. You think our country's so innocent?"


    so do you?  Trump is being up front.  but he doesn't have time to make a list for you.

    Ever seen the video of Gaddafi's death, after he disarmed and cooperated with us and our allies?  Now look at Libya. 

    I'll get back out of y'all's way.  carry on

  3. 18 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    We've legitimized a man who is perhaps the most corrupt, inhuman dictator of the past 50 years.


    ...And Un is only 35 years old.

    Maybe we can help make sure his kid isn't terrorizing the world in 30. break the cycle.  Or maybe we can help all those Koreans in squalor have a better life,

  4. 21 hours ago, simplicity said:

    Just what my generation needs, another war.

    Sorry for being flip in my response to this, Simplicity.   war is a racket. it sucks and innocent people die. 

    on 2nd and 3rd look i think trump shouldn't have torn up the deal.  should have exposed and extracted the pork from it, but this is israel and trump's "handlers" (as hugo put it) working to start a fucking war.




    • Like 2
  5. 11 minutes ago, SmokeyTheBear said:

    @AlSuraEnglish: #BREAKING - #Syrian Air Defenses have received #Russian anti-air missile supplies to replenish local stocks.  Engagement of #Israeli cruise missiles to this moment.


    Proxy war in plain site

    Isn't bibi in moscow right now?

  6. 7 minutes ago, simplicity said:

    Just what my generation needs, another war.

    Maybe you could head up the local rubber drive, or serve refreshments at the USO.

  7. 1 minute ago, wildcat09 said:

    You can have this oceanfront property in Arizona for $500,000.00 but you've got to sign in the next ten minutes! Do we have a deal?

    I'll be snapping up cheap land in North Korea thanks.

    • Haha 1
  8. 6 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    See, this is the danger of not having any idea of what things mean but being certain that you do. You read that Iran can have low-enriched uranium and think that's an indictment of the nuclear deal, because you don't understand that nuclear weapons require highly enriched uranium. Things like this would be valuable to know when negotiating a nuclear deal. Pompeo fucked up Kim Jong Un's surname, and Trump is functionally illiterate. But you trust this band of grifter idiots to do a better job than Obama's team did with the JCPOA.

    In other news, I have some wonderful oceanfront property in Arizona for sale that can be yours if you act today! 

    Your unshakeable belief that Trump is stupid, and that all his advisors are stupid, and he's just stumbling along, writing up ideas on napkins, never gets old. 

  9. Just now, David Dennison said:

    It was working, even according to Mike Pompeo.

    But we flaked because our president is a child, thereby losing all credibility with friends and enemies alike, and all but guaranteeing that Iran will start developing nuclear weapons again.



    Iran can unilaterally deny international observers access to military sites, and it can shield an extensive trove of technical knowledge related to its nuclear program from inspectors. It can import tons of low-enriched uranium, manufacture nuclear fuel, test nuclear-capable delivery vehicles, and restart its centrifuges and develop a stockpile of fissionable material within weeks rather than a year. None of this is a violation of the terms of the JCPOA and its annexes.

    It still reads like an awful deal that people could claim was working due to an inability to verify, right up to the point it didn't. 

    • Like 1
  10. 10 minutes ago, Iconoclast Texan said:

    Sohrab Ahmari is a former WSJ columnist who writes for Commentary magazine. He is also a fellow Iranian-American who is a must read, especially involving Iran. I leave you with this excellent piece that he has written.



    Iran can unilaterally deny international observers access to military sites, and it can shield an extensive trove of technical knowledge related to its nuclear program from inspectors. It can import tons of low-enriched uranium, manufacture nuclear fuel, test nuclear-capable delivery vehicles, and restart its centrifuges and develop a stockpile of fissionable material within weeks rather than a year. None of this is a violation of the terms of the JCPOA and its annexes.

    sounds like a terrible deal

    • Like 1
  11. 7 minutes ago, David Dennison said:

    They're really sorry about those twin towers.

    Now out come the tinfoil hats. Obama and Colbert never verified their involvement.   There's been a bit of a coup in SA in the last year. Look into it.

    De Facto theocracies and cult countries don't get nukes. That's a sound policy.

  12. The saudis have us. they don't need nukes or want the headache.  It's just rhetoric and more perceived pressure on iran,

  13. Just now, Amobie said:

    The nukes are not the problem, it's the relationship we have with NK is what causes the nukes to be a problem.  The fighting of the Korean war ended in 1953.  Why are we enemies again? 

    skip wildcat and take that question straight to stephen colbert

  14. 3 minutes ago, wildcat09 said:

    Rick Perry is in charge of the DOE. The State Department has been gutted. Trump is dismissive of experts, and famous for refusing to prepare for things. He thinks he just needs to get in the room with Kim and hash some shit out on the back of a napkin. All he ever does is wing it. I feel very confident that he's not consulting with experts who could advise on what an effective inspections regime would look like.

    But go ahead and keep thinking that he's secretly a genius. 

    He's the figurehead for our military and its intel, so some thought has gone into this, believe it or not.

  15. Just now, Lagunamadre said:

    I can't wait to see what NK's "ask" is. $10B and a 50% troop reduction in SK? 

    I think trump would counter-offer and insist that counties nearby kick-in, and as a bonus, offer Kim a chance to not be assassinated.

  16. 2 minutes ago, elnimo said:

    Get ready to be disappointed.  His echo chamber is full of war hawks.  Bolton's Iraq playbook is being followed to the T.  We will be in a war shortly.  Israel will start it and we will be forced to finish it. 

    I think Bolton was brought in for his rep, to play bad-cop, talk tough and paint doomsday scenarios.

  17. 4 minutes ago, Tuco said:

    No.  The money which was released was not US taxpayer dollars.  It was money that was either frozen during the sanctions or money that was owed from a cancelled fighter jet order in the 1970s.  It was Iranian money.  You argue about whether it was wise to return it, but it's bullshit to claim it was US taxpayer money. 

    I'll accept that.  It's traceability is still a problem in my view. 

    ...and what anastasis said

  18. 2 minutes ago, Jhawk said:

    Doesn't seem to me that people want to see it play out.  Seems to me that people are hoping we fail in this venture like our beloved presidents before.

    as if folks hate potus more than they love themselves

    • Like 1
  19. 1 minute ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    Israel and Saudi Arabia couldn't possibly have another agenda, could they?

    Of course they do.  So does the EU, russia and everybody.  Iran is going to have to figure things out while they're dealing with internal strife/riots.  Tough times for the death to america crowd.

    • Like 1
  20. Just now, hpslugga said:

    What evidence do you have that the deal was terrible?

    None of us have evidence either way.  But I'd cite the players involved, the murkiness.  Israel's presentation.  And billions of cash of our tax money unaccounted for.

  21. 2 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    How is Trump violating the US side of the deal going to bring them under compliance?

    He's not violating the deal. He's pulling out of it because he can.  Now "compliance" to a poorly constructed deal (for the USA)) doesn't matter.  Iran now has to stop fucking w nukes altogether, or else "it will go very badly for them."

  22. 2 minutes ago, Aqua Buddha said:

    His new Secretary of State said Iran was in full compliance with the deal.

    If the deal was terrible and allowed the nuke program to go forward right up to the last step, then full compliance isn't worth much.

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