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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by nycHorn

  1. My Marantz 2252b is slowly dying and a stereo tech advised against pouring too much $ into it. So now I’m looking at new integrated amp and speakers. I like a warm sound, rather than neutral, something that also does well at lower volumes. Marantz 30 or 50, advance Paris a10 (I haven’t heard but sounds intriguing), maybe Yamaha? Speakers that interest me kef r3, wharfedale linton. Anyone got a system they really love? Opinions on the pieces above?
  2. I have to say, I thought season 2 was really good, not on the masterpiece scale of season 1. I’m sure it’s crazy trying to write another follow up season to a hit show in this age of immediate internet dissection and discussion. The marching band scene felt like they saw how much people loved Milchicks music dance experience and said let’s do that again but on steroids. Great show, people are going to be worked up into quite a lather for the season 3 drop.
  3. Beau is afraid.
  4. What a battle.
  5. Any options for watching the women’s final here in a few minutes? Besides tennis channel.
  6. Ooof. Those are dark last days in that house, for all involved. Including the dog.
  7. William Peterson double feature… To Live and Die in LA. Now currently watching Manhunter. Both on prime video.
  8. Yeah if you watch after the credits they usually give some back story. They mentioned Minnewaska, which that waterfall is pretty iconic if you’ve visited. Beautiful area.
  9. Love this movie. Gets better with each watch.
  10. In the first episode when “Helly” came out of the elevator and saw Mark and he embraced her. She had a subtle shock reaction and I knew it wasn’t Helly. The tent scene was awesome when her expression changed.
  11. Man, I thought Juan Davis had another year. I was hoping he’d have his payoff year like Helm did this year.
  12. They wouldn’t fake punt when their D is playing well and their offense is only stopped by themselves.
  13. I thought the documentary was great. And all those songs remind me of the radio in the car while my mother was driving me to karate practice.
  14. Pretty bad writing. I didn’t think season 1 was amazing, more the novelty of the concept but season 2 was bad.
  15. The Craig way is the only way. Pairing that with the tv is the only way I’ve watched this year.
  16. He seemed to be shaking his head the whole time. Unless he got concussed early, he seemed to have weird energy on the sideline. I have never watched ASU but certainly based on the talk and the highlights I would have expected different vibes from him.
  17. Hahaha. Prime doesn’t have his guys ready for shit.
  18. BYU looks like they’re going to soak it in Colorados ass all night.
  19. Cristobal’s abuela is picking up 4 yards a carry against this terrible Iowa state D.
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