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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by nycHorn

  1. I’m all twisted with some jet lag and wandered onto the football board about 5am cause I was fiending for more koolaid…..holy shit. It’s worse other there when we win.
  2. It’s been said many times, but damn it’s so refreshing to listen to Sark speak compared to Herman. Night and day.
  3. Okafor on that pull looked like he was trying to wrangle a greased pig.
  4. Craig way radio address syncs up pretty well. Just a friendly FYI.
  5. Rattler scrambles the way old people fuck.
  6. Any links to share? I have to say I’ve remained steadfast with ALPP until this last month when it’s been kinda a mental beat down watching it get worked down. Here hoping to $20 a share by EOY. Edit: I know the ALPP basher. Fuck that twat.
  7. My father loved that movie. He had the soundtrack and everything. Funny to see little roles like Bill Paxton as the bartender and Slider you stink as the cop. Whoever the male lead is couldn’t act his way out of a paper bag but Diane Lane was smoke.
  8. So hopefully he commits really early in the morning and then keep him busy away from tv and internet for the next calendar year….
  9. Also 30fps on electronic shutter? A look a hard drive and data storage companies:
  10. I just watched the first part of the one on CanonRumors with the British dude. The eye focus thing seems cool. I have it on my old EOS3 but never trusted it with shooting film. Otherwise that thing looks sick! I’m not thrilled with buying new memory cards and tether cables but I’m excited to try it out.
  11. Not sure if this is where he got it, but… https://wallstreetonparade.com/2021/09/closely-watched-atlanta-feds-gdp-forecast-cuts-u-s-growth-by-41-percent/
  12. I would absolutely go find a place to lie down on the Purple. I loved the idea of it but in reality it wasn't for me.
  13. Yeah we need to string together some first downs ans get our D a breather.
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