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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by nycHorn

  1. There is plenty of blame for Sark. The time management at the end of the half was egregious.
  2. When Dr Beeper is the voice of reason then you know shits gone sideways.
  3. Make sure you contribute to banner thread you twat.
  4. You should get into something like this…. https://instagram.com/realtoyscene?utm_medium=copy_link
  5. What’s the best place to check for a stream?
  6. Insane. That last cameraman blew it by not tracking the bounce but man that was epic!!!
  7. I’m all twisted with some jet lag and wandered onto the football board about 5am cause I was fiending for more koolaid…..holy shit. It’s worse other there when we win.
  8. It’s been said many times, but damn it’s so refreshing to listen to Sark speak compared to Herman. Night and day.
  9. Okafor on that pull looked like he was trying to wrangle a greased pig.
  10. Craig way radio address syncs up pretty well. Just a friendly FYI.
  11. Rattler scrambles the way old people fuck.
  12. Any links to share? I have to say I’ve remained steadfast with ALPP until this last month when it’s been kinda a mental beat down watching it get worked down. Here hoping to $20 a share by EOY. Edit: I know the ALPP basher. Fuck that twat.
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