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Everything posted by BornOrange

  1. Damn. The NBA draft isn't until July 29th. In 2019 it was June 20th. Fuck Covid.......and fuck the NBA.
  2. Definition of bandwagon fan.
  3. The problem that Arkansas had was leaving behind their recruiting base. When in the SWC Arkansas would usually get at least half if not most of its players from Texas, just like Oklahoma does. They went from having 4-5 games in Texas every year to none. Jerry Jones tried throwing his alma mater a lifeline by hosting the Arkansas-aggy game every year, but that hasn't helped them that much. aggy gets to play 3-4 non-conference and 4 conference games at home every year. That is 7-8 games an hour away from Houston and 3 hours away from DFW, two of the richest recruiting areas in the country. aggy's problem is that they will always be aggy.
  4. I'm no lawyer, but the only way he gets off with even manslaughter would be if he had been drugged. Then claim temporary insanity when he learned the truth. If I were a juror, I would vote for the death penalty.
  5. The USFL screwed up by trying to compete with the NFL, at first for players and then by playing in the fall. Unfortunately for us, if the USFL is going to be successful this time around, it will be at the expense of college football. They will concentrate not only on players rejected by the NFL, but on players not yet eligible for the NFL. Kids who want to get paid will go to the USFL instead of playing college ball, or will leave college ball early to play in the USFL. The NFL will scoop up the best USFL players, but the USFL will be raiding college teams just as much.
  6. Hey. Relax. Don’t try to strike everybody out. Strikeouts are boring. Besides that, they’re fascist. Throw some ground balls. It’s more democratic.
  7. But....but....but......we have to recruit a tall, slow WR who can win jump balls to be our outside WR.
  8. That's easy money. Mack FUPM "I'm Scared to Death" Brown won't be on the Texas sideline. Even Strong and Herman never lost by double digits to OU in October.
  9. We shoulda shot that fella a long time ago. Now he's too rich to kill. (Giant) If anything in this life is certain, if history has taught us anything, it is that you can kill anyone. (Godfather 2)
  10. Yeah, guys who smile for pics suck as players.
  11. You're about a decade late on that. Everyone who followed Texas closely knew by 2000, 2004 definitely, that GDGD was a liability.
  12. That thing's gotta be fake! That ain't no fake, that's real! That's why they call him Superman! Hey, Freddie, Freddie, where did you find this place? Johnny Ola told me about this place. He brought me here. I didn't believe him, but seeing is believing, huh? Old man Roth would never come here, but old Johnny knows these places like the back of his hand.
  13. PG Morris, SG George, CG Black, C Okpara, PF Wright or Traore That wouldn't be a bad 5 man class.....
  14. After an hour, fans sitting directly in front of the lighting will start to glow burnt orange. If they sit there for an entire game they will glow for a week.
  15. We will know a lot by then, but the Iowa State game should have a big impact.
  16. [surly]The Longhorn isn't burnt orange, and it's off-center in that photo.[/surly]
  17. FIFY Those damn gold rushers ruined everything.
  18. If the kid wanted to stay in Milwaukee, there is a great program in that city with an awesome coach...... (ducks)
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